ATI Hostile stock takeover?

Well something's going on to explain to bump in stock price. Given how chummy Nvidia is with AMD they're gonna be pretty bummed if AMD dumps them and buys ATi. I don't see Intel getting mixed up in the discrete graphics market for some reason but if they did, they would probably blow everybody away given their engineering expertise and fab capacity.
Yeah, cause it worked so well for Intel last time. :p Don't you remember Real? Pretty decent chip at the time.

AMD might be interesting. I don't know if it is "doom and gloom" tho so long as it isn't NV that's after them.

Might not make sense for them to take over wholesale, but if they really believe that XBox is going to do well then buying a chunk of ATI might make sense (if nothing else, to make it harder for other folks getting control).
At the share values, here are the market values of a few companies for reference's sake. Please note that these numbers in NO WAY represent the number of cash (or debt) these companies have, and thus are not sufficient information to imply whether they might be in a good enough position to initiate a takeover.
MSFT: $271B (Unlikely because NVDA also has great lawyers too, although this would put the industry in a very interesting position)
INTL: $168B (Seems plausible to me. They have a lot of extra cash and might begin to fear other vendors' integrated solutions. Furthermore, their core business is being criticized by the hardcore media, and possibly leading in a market that evolves faster would )
AMD: $7.5B (Their market value might be higher, but I doubt they have enough cash for such an ambitious operation; furthermore, they are currently in an aggressive anti-Intel position, criticizing them for monopoly and unfair practices among other things, so I'm not sure they would exactlyput them in a better position for this...)
NVDA: $4.7B (Jen Hsun might be insane enough to invest in the competition and do a long-term takeover plan, but NVDA only has a fourth or perhaps third of the cash required for this operation; but this would certainly explain the G70 being released on the same day as ATI's conference call... Let's not get into ridiculous conspiracy theories though)
ATYT: $3.2B

I wouldn't really take "XBox is going to do well so MSFT is just investing a bit in them" seriously, it's way too much of a long-term investment for that. On the other hand, remember that some of these companies have investment divisions that are basically there to make some free money out of their cash. So if they suspect something, they might as well get some free money out of their better understanding of the market.
There are other companies I have not considered here; TSMC for example, because they might be possible but really aren't very likely at all.
Honestly I can't see happening, but who knows.

Given that there are only three significant players in the graphics world now, I doubt that Intel or Nvidia would be able to get past the FTC.
Yes I'm pretty sure if Nvidia bought ATi it would be against anti monopoly law.

If somone wants to buy ATi they will have to have very little share of the market to begin with.
MS has about 37billion dollars in cash that it could use to buy ati if it wanted to. Intel has about 16billion, and everyone else that might consider buying ati less than 5billion. So if i had to pick someone MS would be the prime company to takeover ati.

Seems to me that MS would have some high regulatory hurdles to climb too. I can already hear the screaming that the big bad monopolist is out to use its position to assimilate graphics, and will use DX to favor their new internal unit to the disadvantage of NV.
nutball said:

Might not make sense for them to take over wholesale, but if they really believe that XBox is going to do well then buying a chunk of ATI might make sense (if nothing else, to make it harder for other folks getting control).

After XB360 launch, does MS give a rats @ss what happens to ATI so far as impact on XB? Why?
So far as that goes, how do we know this isn't a buyback we're seeing? I recall ATI announcing they were going to do one, and leaving the "when" in the air. They might have thought it looked pretty attractive price-wise to go now.
geo said:
nutball said:

Might not make sense for them to take over wholesale, but if they really believe that XBox is going to do well then buying a chunk of ATI might make sense (if nothing else, to make it harder for other folks getting control).

After XB360 launch, does MS give a rats @ss what happens to ATI so far as impact on XB? Why?
xb720? I mean they have to start planning on the follow up right after launching xb360, right?

That's five years out. Wouldn't you be better served at being able to pick best-of-breed three or four years down the road?
thegrommit said:
Given that there are only three significant players in the graphics world now, I doubt that Intel or Nvidia would be able to get past the FTC.

Ragemare said:
Yes I'm pretty sure if Nvidia bought ATi it would be against anti monopoly law.

If somone wants to buy ATi they will have to have very little share of the market to begin with.

Err, why? Neither ATI nor Nvidia are american companies. How would our anti-monopoly laws affect their merger, and what jurisdiction would the FTC have in this case?

I'd daresay none.


nm. Just checked and Nvidia is an american company. However, I wasn't aware that our monopoly laws affected american companies when they buy foreign companies. In this case, ATI being canadian.