Assassins Creed Unity [PS4, XO]

Just read a report that ubi have released a patch (patch 3) the thing that caught my eye is this little gem
While the French company listed 300 bugs that were fixed

The thing to take away is not "great they fixed a load of bugs" but how shocking it is that ubi thought it was acceptable to release a game with so many faults

And for added comedy value the second sticky is entitled
wait for it....

Unable to enter game after Patch 3

Not entering the game should really solve most of the games issue though...
The contacts lists again? What are they doing that multiplayer contacts is breaking the game so much? Crazy. Can't wait to hear the eventual story on AC Unity and their internal issues.
At least ubi arnt totally without shame (but then again maybe its just to sway public opinion)

Yannis Mallat from Ubisoft has sent out a letter of apology to gamers that purchased Assassin's Creed Unity. To help compensate for the sorry state of affairs that was the game's launch, Ubisoft will be giving out the Dead Kings DLC for free. Season pass holders will be able to get a free game. The list of free games includes new ones like Far Cry 4 and The Crew.
At least ubi arnt totally without shame (but then again maybe its just to sway public opinion)

Yannis Mallat from Ubisoft has sent out a letter of apology to gamers that purchased Assassin's Creed Unity. To help compensate for the sorry state of affairs that was the game's launch, Ubisoft will be giving out the Dead Kings DLC for free. Season pass holders will be able to get a free game. The list of free games includes new ones like Far Cry 4 and The Crew.
That is good.
Wait wait wait... I may be a bit behind here, but 50,000 draw calls per frame!? Seriously?

What on earth are they doing? Sure it is a detailed world, but with how aggressive their LOD'ing appears to be, and how well suited a bunch of their scene is to instancing (crowds being the obvious one) - even shadowing will be cheapish given the static sun direction... Seriously? What are they doing?

I'd start getting uncomfortable with ~ 8,000.
Wait wait wait... I may be a bit behind here, but 50,000 draw calls per frame!? Seriously?

What on earth are they doing? Sure it is a detailed world, but with how aggressive their LOD'ing appears to be, and how well suited a bunch of their scene is to instancing (crowds being the obvious one) - even shadowing will be cheapish given the static sun direction... Seriously? What are they doing?

I'd start getting uncomfortable with ~ 8,000.

Static Sun direction???DOesn't the game have realtime TOD change? is it like INfmaouys now, with fixed TODs?
Yes, as best I can tell it is baked for fixed times of day like infamous. You'd be surprised how many games do this (DA:I appears to be the same)

Makes shadow casting potentially *much* cheaper, as you can do many things to optimize rendering.

You could have two shadow maps - one for the static world that updates infrequently, and one for the dynamic world. As you move around, just shift the static shadow every so often and render new geometry at the edge of the projection.

You can also be much more aggressive in determining what parts of the scene will always be in shadow, etc - so for potentially large parts of the scene (interiors, etc) you can skip expensive per-pixel sun light/shadowing calculations entirely - which would likely allow for additional detail or local lights.

Also will allow for much more aggressive culling of shadow casting geometry, finally if you are really keen you can generate shadow proxy meshes that contain the combined world geometry needed to cast a world shadow, processed to only include first caster triangles (basically the outer hull silhouette).
.AC Unity is just one of the best graphical showcase of 2014.
On a jacked up pc maybe, but on consoles not even close to the top 10. The general low res 900p nature and bad iq absolutely kill any noteworthy graphical blims it packs in the game. It is a crime for any open world game to operate at 900p or lower on a 1080p tv, it just burns us eyes burrrns.
On a jacked up pc maybe, but on consoles not even close to the top 10. The general low res 900p nature and bad iq absolutely kill any noteworthy graphical blims it packs in the game. It is a crime for any open world game to operate at 900p or lower on a 1080p tv, it just burns us eyes burrrns.

Ha ha crazy bastard made me rofl so hard!
I agree, even with the 900p it's one of the best looking games ever.
I've created a Beyond3D club on the PS4 version of the game, feel free to join not really done any co-op stuff yet or have any clue what the clubs are even about lol. I'm sure there's one or 2 trophies up for grabs though.