Assassins Creed Unity [PS4, XO]

Hey @DSoup and @Arwin : I found another cheap copy, half price. So, should I get it? I will have to delete LOU to get this in. Should I take the plunge? If so, then I will delay my playthrough of BloodBorne and get it cheap later to balance out the money thing
I can only tell you that I am loving this game and can't wait to spend more time with it this weekend. I waited to buy it cheap because I genuinely expected to lose interest in it very fast without the distraction of pirating but this is a great AC game and they've fixed all of the aspects of previous games that annoyed me.

I've not encountered any bugs (and to be fair, others said the same before all of the patches), I'm really liking the story, Paris is just an amazing environment to play in, the density of pedestrians is mind-bogglingly impressive, the parkour is much more fluid (I was dubious about the need for an up and down button), the few trailing missions don't make you want to throw the controller at the TV, the animation system driving combat interaction is very cool and combat hits that right balance between challenging and making you feel bad ass.

My only regret is that I let reviews prevent me from buying it sooner. I should have paid more attention to folks here :yes:

If you manage to lose yourself in The Order's London, you'll likely find is easy to lose yourself in AC's Paris. The biggest compliment I can say is that if Unity had pirate ships, I've likely never use one. Unlike Black Flag, which desperate needed this distraction, Unity does not. I haven't finished Unity but I'm so looking forward to next AC game set in London.
I liked Unity quite a bit more than Blackflag. That said, I don't think you should have purchased it any earlier. Patch 4 improved that game's performance tremendously. Plus, you most likely got it on the cheap at this point.
It does go on and on, though. And even though Arno may be reminiscent of Ezio, his story is definitely nowhere near as entertaining. I was also a little disappointed about how little the game was actually interested in its own fascinating setting. Here's the French revolution, people. Now go and solve your Dan Brown knock-off murder mystery where every important historical player is a mere footnote.
I am actually liking revolutionary Paris as being the backdrop against which I'm playing, rather than the narrative trying to support some contrived exposition as to why you were important in the revolution. It's here is this story and oh, it just happens to be happening during the beginning of the French revolution.

It's wholly more grounded this far - I'm early into sequence 8.
Having killed Bellec for assassinatng Master Mirabeau at the end of sequence 7, I've just met Napoleon, who seems like a thoroughly nice chap!

Vive la France! :yes:
Just picked it up on disc for less than £5 (PC though, so a bit off topic). I figured at that rate, even Ubisoft will get my money.

Mostly just looking to see how pretty things can get on a decent systems these days. But half a dozen patches in, perhaps even my measly rig can play it at console-ish quality and not too far off 30fps.
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It's wholly more grounded this far - I'm early into sequence 8.
Having killed Bellec for assassinatng Master Mirabeau at the end of sequence 7, I've just met Napoleon, who seems like a thoroughly nice chap!

The man certainly had some charisma, after all that he's done. Such a shame
that Kubrick never got to make his movie...
The man certainly had some charisma, after all that he's done.
Dammit! But, still liking the story. I don't need every game I play to require me to be some epic world saving (or world defining) character. It's refreshing to play somebody just going about their business - albeit that business being assassination - with the usual real world problems of loyalty, betrayal, love and revenge.

Games where you are setup to save or change the word often have disappointing, or deeply flawed, narratives. Much easier to build a story based on the basic motivations that players will be familiar with, it's just more relatable.
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Will get it then.....had it not been the HDD issue I wouldn't have been so wary as I do want to see Paris !
Let s see what I do when BB hits.
And goodbye TLOU. I have finished u many times but its never enough :cry:
Make sure you post your opinion about the ending.
I liked it. Surprisingly I liked the game more than Black Flag. I was mostly relieved that the main story line in Black Flag was over but I could easily have taken another two sequences (six full missions) here - not that I feel shortchanged.

Elise dying didn't surprise me in the least. She had proven herself reckless in previous missions and stated clearly that she'd give her life if it meant Germain dying so it was have been more surprising if Ubisoft hadn't taken the cliched plot point and killed her before Arno could save her.

So Napoleon later helps me recover the sword, which is very shiny, but isn't firing lightning for me yet. Where do I stand with the Assassins? I went back to the Cafe and visited the Assassins but nobody even acknowledged me. Who am I now? Apart from somebody with a lot of mopping up of side missions in Paris? ;)

There are still bits of the Paris map that I've not unlocked and dozens - maybe more than a hundred - of side missions left. And I liked most of the side missions. I feel like I've barely scratched Paris and after two weekends, I'm not tired of just walking around like some French renaissance Batman :yes:
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Played the initial tutorial sections. Climbing feels refreshed but combat feels as clunky as before, maybe even more, I don't know. I haven't patched it yet and the frame rate is seriously unplayable ! and the "sun light" is too white (cool), doesn't feel like it is the our mighty sun, which is much warmer. A very big oversight, I would say. I don't know, its beautiful but still looks garish.
Played the initial tutorial sections. Climbing feels refreshed but combat feels as clunky as before, maybe even more, I don't know. I haven't patched it yet and the frame rate is seriously unplayable ! and the "sun light" is too white (cool), doesn't feel like it is the our mighty sun, which is much warmer. A very big oversight, I would say. I don't know, its beautiful but still looks garish.

You can barely fight at the start of the game and I think this is intentional because a) you're a schmuck and b) the game wants you to learn the stealth mechanics by making you use them. Once you've earned a few francs, bought a decent weapon and clocked up some combat skills you'll be able to hold your ground better.

I found the framerate was fine but I only played after patch. Above Sigfried1977 mentioned the patch improved performance "tremendously".
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Played the initial tutorial sections. Climbing feels refreshed but combat feels as clunky as before, maybe even more, I don't know. I haven't patched it yet and the frame rate is seriously unplayable ! and the "sun light" is too white (cool), doesn't feel like it is the our mighty sun, which is much warmer. A very big oversight, I would say. I don't know, its beautiful but still looks garish.

You're not yet in the area where most of the gameplay is, I reckon, and the light there is ... different. ;)
Yeah the lighting was the best element of the graphics for me. Easily ahead of other games IMO even if some other graphical elements weren't.
You're not yet in the area where most of the gameplay is, I reckon, and the light there is ... different. ;)
Yeah, Paris opened up and the game does look great and that cool flourescent sunlight is specific to that TOD, I guess. The IQ is really bad though, really. All that beautiful art is marred by jaggies, overbright exposures and bad framerate. If I had not played The Order, i would have definitely been floored by its visuals. I still applaud that they have pulled this off in an open world, though. Just fix the IQ and res next time,please or another patch ;) !
You can barely fight at the start of the game and I think this is intentional because a) you're a schmuck and b) the game wants you to learn the stealth mechanics by making you use them. Once you've earned a few francs, bought a decent weapon and clocked up some combat skills you'll be able to hold your ground better.

I found the framerate was fine but I only played after patch. Above Sigfried1977 mentioned the patch improved performance "tremendously".

Yup, now i am getting a better hang of the combat. its all about correct parries/counters, just like Mordor or Batman. I am still waiting to get my Assasin Cloak, it just doesn't feel right without it :nope: ! But I will wait till the patch downloads, the framerate is too dodgy, I salute those who played this on day 1 and managed it !

How do u turn corners when in cover? I can't figure it out. Also, if there is a perfect "build" that I should upgrade towwards, do let me know :) !
Yes, I really like the combat and I don't get folks who complain it's hard unless the genuinely liked the zero-challenge combat of previous games over Shadow or Mordor. You're not Zorro, you're an assassin who typically works in the shadows but you will get more powerful. I had no problems fighting a dozen guys and coming out victorious, just be mindful of your surroundings, always parry even if it means you miss a killing blow and remember smoke bombs last long enough for you to kill 4 or 5 guys in close combat!

I don't know if there's a perfect skill build, I just picked skills that I thought I'd like or would be interesting. I never used heavy weapons or rifles, skipped the ground execution skill and only picked up the stagger combat skill very late. I did spring for Disguise which is helpful if you want to get somewhere without killing everything between you and your target but often I found gradually taking out every guard in every infiltration mission was really rewarding and the stealth mechanics help with this.