Well, Mac is a PC with a different operating system. So that counts too
ph_iterations 50
r2_dof -1.250000,2.000000,200.000000
r2_dof_enable on
r2_dof_sky 200.
r2_ssa_lod_a 96.
r2_ssa_lod_b 32.
r2_ssao_blur on
r2_ssao_hbao on
r2_ssao_mode hbao
r2_sun_details on
r2_sun_far 180.
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 0.85
r2_sun_near 30.
r2_sun_quality st_opt_extreme
r2em 2.2
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far 100.
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_near 70.
r3_msaa 4x
r3_msaa_alphatest st_opt_atest_msaa_dx10_1
r3_use_dx10_1 on
r__dtex_range 175.
rs_skeleton_update 128
rs_v_sync on
this isnt working do you have an alt link
Next, download the Media VP's 3.6.13 update, from here;
ps: does that build have the cockpits and track-ir support ?
This is really impressive MOD. Coming from Atmosfear i was surprised to have improved quality and similar or better performance. Higher res grass and improved trees makes a world of difference. The textures seem the same ones but with turned up contrast, maybe im wrong tough.Call of Pripyat with S.C.O.P mod. This is easily the best graphic mod for COP. Game looks fantastic with it. Besides mods config values I changed/kept my following values for best IQ/taste.
Code:ph_iterations 50 r2_dof -1.250000,2.000000,200.000000 r2_dof_enable on r2_dof_sky 200. r2_ssa_lod_a 96. r2_ssa_lod_b 32. r2_ssao_blur on r2_ssao_hbao on r2_ssao_mode hbao r2_sun_details on r2_sun_far 180. r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 0.85 r2_sun_near 30. r2_sun_quality st_opt_extreme r2em 2.2 r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far 100. r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_near 70. r3_msaa 4x r3_msaa_alphatest st_opt_atest_msaa_dx10_1 r3_use_dx10_1 on r__dtex_range 175. rs_skeleton_update 128 rs_v_sync on
I don't have a FS2 install here at work![]()