Archive Thread of Screenshots of Ridunkulous Quality and Size [2007-2015]

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When you look at those that are console fanboys/fanatics and of those the ones refusing the most using the PC to play games, would you want to "convert" them to lower the PC gamers average? Hell no son that aint missionary work! :cool:
Is that... could it be... An extremely awesome game?!

I can remember way way back, playing the original demo for that. Gawsh it was so much fun! Are there any texture mods installed on that? Because it looks a bit better than I remember...
I'm guessing those are Freespace 2 mods. Gorgeous mods for an engine I absolutely hate since the physics are all can't get momentum in direction X then turn and "strafe" as you should be able to in space. If you turn, your momentum goes that way too. ugh.
Yep its the mighty Freespace 2 open
ps: mize you sound like an I-War player (slight pause to allow readers to bow in reverence to its greatness)
Thought it was Freelancer.

For a change 6 shots with black borders removed from "Chronicles of Riddick" DVD version movie. I'll put some of Rambo IV 1080p movie to later. :smile:

Rambo IV Blu-ray 1080p edition. The detail difference vs regular medium to high quality DVD movies is staggering though I would really want the Blu-ray movies to have upwards 2x the bitrate and utilise 50GB disc space. There is still budgeting going on to make decent bitrate vs not going over 25GB disc space as is evident by different type of scenes and how much bitrate they get. Night scenes suffer a lot and though most wont care I sure notice it. Night to day difference for sure.






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