Actually, I wouldn't care if we had two standards either! Just so long as publishers were willing to stamp 'em both out. They're just unlikely to do that in the long run is all.
Meanwhile, DVD itself is only going to get bigger (minimizing equipment conversion savings, as the amount of DVD's produced now are going to increase, meaning picking up Blu-Ray or HD-DVD will likely amount in entirely new equipment purchases to produce either) and the others will get a small, slow roll-out as HDTV's themselves finally progress, people even more slowly realize they need an HD media format to really enjoy it, and even more slowly start actually replacing the library they already own.
Meanwhile, DVD itself is only going to get bigger (minimizing equipment conversion savings, as the amount of DVD's produced now are going to increase, meaning picking up Blu-Ray or HD-DVD will likely amount in entirely new equipment purchases to produce either) and the others will get a small, slow roll-out as HDTV's themselves finally progress, people even more slowly realize they need an HD media format to really enjoy it, and even more slowly start actually replacing the library they already own.