I’m with Jupiter on this. This is thread derail, but I have 3 daughters, it’s hard to get out of the house. These types of MP titles are where I get most of my social interaction with my friends, due to conflicting schedules, people living far away, etc. All sorts of reasons we can’t get out of the house on a school night, weekends packed with children activities.Summary - it really is a loot grinder. Ergo not for me unless the underlying game mechanics or story frame work is really good. To date, Warframe may be the game in the genre that suits me best beyond initial discovery, but even that faded quickly.
(Opinion: Squad based game+loot grinder is for youth (or people/subcultures) who don’t have any obligations or sense of time being limited. I’m simply too old for that, never mind other obligations/joys in life.)
These types of games are a means to an end for me, the purpose is to have something to do with your friends while you chat and catch up.