Another Nforce based mobo from Abit?


I don't remember where but I read smething that said Abit would make another nforce product for athlon what was the name going to be? Anyone know anything about it?

edit: BTw I mean Athlon XP, some new nforce stepping tho like the nforce2 ultra but another step...
Thanks for the response. The source stated it would have soundstorm, and gigabit ethernet. It was supposed to be another high end board for the athlon XP, not an integrated graphics board...

I was only wondering because I was thinking of giving my MB/processor away to my brother for christmas, and I wanted to know if I was going to be forced to just buy the same thing again for myself heh... then I will give him a chocolate egg and keep my stuff. :)
Here you go. :) ( Although its not Abit, but Gigabyte, it seems that Abit never announced that. )

- Dual Channel DDR400 memory architecture support
- AGP 8X
- Dual LAN: Gigabit and Ethernet LAN
- Dual Power System
- FireWire
- Serial ATA interface with RAID 0, 1 function
- GigaRAID IDE RAID Controller
- 6-Channel & Dolby Digital Audio technology (Soundstorm)
- DualBIOS
When did you hear this? If it was last spring or early summer, then the new board your source referred to was most likely the NF7-S rev 2.0. (Revision 1.x had several minor issues with it, and a lot of customers requested an updated board, and Abit complied.)

If you heard this more recently then I don't know, unless they might have been referring to an Athlon64/Opteron-based board.
fgb AAlchemy had the right of it, I was just confused or someone else was, the board in question was the gigabyte one.
Dr. Freeze, you have it, however as they are not using the new stepping, since Nvidia apparently abondoned it
According to a source close to ABIT, the company had had plans to integrate NVIDIA’s MCP-S, but due to some reasons has changed it for MCP-T controller

Oh well, I don't see any reason anyone would rather have this than the nf7-s, well except the guru chip but that is just silly...