Amored Core 4

sorry, i could look this up on my own, but I'm hoping you can help me -- has this series come of age yet? I know some people love it, but The PSX versions always felt shallow to me -- not as balanced as a pure spammer 'bot game like CyberSled or the more recent Gundam arcade games, but nothing like the depth of design and --again -- balance of the Mechwarrior series (not even as good as the more recent, dumbed down Mechwarrior 4, IMO). What's different on the X360 version? Just the graphics?
I have been waiting for this game to come out on a next-gen system, I am so excited!!. :D

Past series games where alway's inviting with huge virtual worlds, upgrades glore, and the ability to personalize your machine with colors and graphics. , it really can't be compared to Mechwarrior as the ArmoredCore machines are way faster in movement, Mechwarrior's machines are lumbersome and slow and you usaully engage at far greater distance's because of it. Armored core is more upclose and personal, mainly due to the speed at which you can move, and greater manuverablity.

I would not compare it to the PS3 Gundam either, when I played that game it looked like I was playing on a PS2, really choppy, and the graphics looked really really poor. I really did leave unimpressed that it was a PS3 game.
to me i thought mechwarrior 2 and 3 where the best mech games out. but amored core did bring somthing diffrent. very fast paced and short fights, plus really exagerated and pretty (not balnced of course) weaponry. my only worry is weapn balancing if the other 100 amored core series were any indicator of this version than there will be that one weapon that will be high and above a take it or die weapon. kinda like how chromehounds was. mechwarriors 2/3 weapons all had a use and a weakness youll see all types of configs/boats (with exception to the flamers)
*throws an orange to awaken the thread*

Yesterday I nabbed the demo off the American PSN account. Played it. Stopped playing it. I ... really don't get it.
It's a fairly fast fps with terrible controls (no sensitivity adjustments, not to mention axis inversion in the demo!). The boost/dodge mechanic is kind of interesting. But it's so hard to aim at anything, especially when it starts using elevation.
Am I supposed to ignore the fact that I couldn't hit anything at all, ever, if it weren't for the automatic targetting, and just focus on dodging? Is that what Armored Core is about?

I figure the full game would offer more weapon loadout options, but I don't even understand how ammo is supposed to work. During that "mini-boss fight" (mission in the desert) I ran out of some missiles, switched, ran out of the next thing, and switched back and again had missiles. Why?

TBH there's no way I'll ever want to play this game, just curious what this is all about. There must be something there for someone if it's in its fourth iteration already.
it's actually around the dozenth game I think.

What I got from it is that it's pretty much a see-how-fast-you-can-shoot-everything-you-see game and some mission types worked out better then others. I saw a video of the online multiplayer and it was that virtual tutorial level with about 8 mechs boosting around and shooting waves of missles that completely missed.
I always think of it as halfway between Mechwarrior and Virtual On, but not as good as either of those. But perhaps they've refined the system over time; Custom Robo DS makes me want to revisit Armored Core (although, tbh, it's far better balanced than the first two ACs were)...
It's a fairly fast fps with terrible controls (no sensitivity adjustments, not to mention axis inversion in the demo!).

This is the part that made me stop playing the demo (I got too dizzy). The real game has inversion option though.

The boost/dodge mechanic is kind of interesting. But it's so hard to aim at anything, especially when it starts using elevation.
Am I supposed to ignore the fact that I couldn't hit anything at all, ever, if it weren't for the automatic targetting, and just focus on dodging? Is that what Armored Core is about?

I played AC2 and kinda liked it. It's more about mecha customization. Easier to beat the game if you use the "right" mecha. I completed AC2 relying on auto-tracking missiles so I don't have to aim. AC4 is similar but faster and more lenient/flexible.

I figure the full game would offer more weapon loadout options, but I don't even understand how ammo is supposed to work. During that "mini-boss fight" (mission in the desert) I ran out of some missiles, switched, ran out of the next thing, and switched back and again had missiles. Why?

I didn't play the demo long enough (only tried twice) to see this. Perhaps you're cycling through > 2 weapons (I think it was at least left arm, right arm, left shoulder, right shoulder, back)

TBH there's no way I'll ever want to play this game, just curious what this is all about. There must be something there for someone if it's in its fourth iteration already.

I liked the deep mecha customization (including painting and designing insignia).

In AC2 (and I think AC4 too), there is also the Arena mode where you fight one-to-one against a ranked list of robots. Each of them has a short back story. I enjoyed this part of the game more.

Incidentally, the #1 guy on the AC2 robot list was not the strongest. I think #40 (The allegedly weakest guy) was the meanest. It's supposed to be a retired but legendary soldier. If I remember correctly, #38 to #40 were all tougher to beat than #1.

EDIT: By default, I think you start somewhere in the middle. So most people would fight up the list (rather than down). I tried to complete the entire list and that's when I discovered the nasty mercenaries, retired warriors at the end of the list. I thought that was pretty interesting.
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