We can benchmark it to find whether there's a performance cliff when you increase the resource binding counts beyond what the HW is capable of efficiently handling. Even if exceeding limits incurs some cost, it is still good that now everybody supports binding tier 3 and programmers are able to execute the same code on all major GPUs.
I would also argue that Vega having full feature level 12_1 support is good for PC gaming in general. Now all major PC IHVs support conservative raster, volume tiled resources and rasterizer ordered views. Rendering technology can move forward. Obviously this doesn't help Vega RX in the benchmarks now, but it will be a big step forward for the future games. Same for double rate fp16. Current games gain nothing, but some PS4 Pro games are already showing nice gains. Developers will certainly start to migrate these optimizations to PC, as there's now hardware support for double rate fp16. It will take time, but we can't simply ignore these new Vega features because they don't bring performance improvement now. Developers are interested about these new features, and they will be used eventually.