It seems that people are still confusing terms "async compute", "async shaders" and "compute queue". Marketing and press doesn't seem to understand the terms properly and spread the confusion
AMD: Each compute unit (CUs) on GCN can run multiple shaders concurrently. Each CU can run both compute (CS) and graphics (PS/VS/GS/HS/DS) tasks concurrently. The 64 KB LDS (local data store) inside a CU is dynamically split between currently running shaders. Graphics shaders also use it for intermediate storage. AMD calls this feature "Async shaders".
Intel / Nvidia: These GPUs do not support running graphics + compute concurrently on a single compute unit. One possible reason is the LDS / cache configuration (GPU on chip memory is configured differently when running graphics - CUDA even allows direct control for it). There most likely are other reasons as well. According to Intel documentation it seems that they are running the whole GPU either in compute mode or graphics mode. Nvidia is not as clear about this. Maxwell likely can run compute and graphics simultaneously, but not both in the same "shader multiprocessor" (SM).
Async compute = running shaders in the
compute queue. Compute queue is like another "CPU thread". It doesn't have any ties to the main queue. You can use fences to synchronize between queues, but this is a very heavy operation and likely causes stalls. You don't want to do more than a few fences (preferably one) per frame. Just like "CPU threads", compute queue doesn't guarantee any concurrent execution. Driver can time slice queues (just like OS does for CPU threads when you have more threads than the CPU core count). This can still be beneficial if you have big stalls (GPU waiting for CPU for instance). AMDs hardware works a bit like hyperthreading. It can feed multiple queues concurrently to all the compute units. If a compute units has stalls (even small stalls can be exploited), the CU will immediately switches to another shader (also graphics<->compute). This results in higher GPU utilization.
You don't need to use the compute queue in order to execute multiple shaders concurrently. DirectX 12 and Vulkan are by default running all commands concurrently, even from a single queue (at the level of concurrency supported by the hardware). The developer needs to manually insert barriers in the queue to represent synchronization points for each resource (to prevent read<->write hazards). All modern GPUs are able to execute multiple shaders concurrently. However on Intel and Nvidia, the GPU is running either graphics or compute at a time (but can run multiple compute shaders or multiple graphics shaders concurrently). So in order to maximize the performance, you'd want submit large batches of either graphics or compute to the queue at once (not alternating between both rapidly). You get a GPU stall ("wait until idle") on each graphics<->compute switch (unless you are AMD of course).