One particularly interesting article and topic:
AMD's Radeon HD 7000 Series Graphics Cards Reportedly Receiving Price Cuts Soon (Update: AMD denies further price cuts)
These prices are almost certainly for reference designs, and you can naturally expect to pay for any factory overclocked model. What these price cuts mean, though is that the base versions are now cheaper to get ahold of, which is a good thing (for gamers, not so much for AMD heh).
Ok, I see that AMD wants to be like Apple with many followers which are ready to pay any price for their products. But I'm afraid that for AMD it is not the way how it works.
Sorry but I think there are many people who are actually stopped from purchasing a given videocard only because they see the price.
So, my point is that they don't think that if the 7970 GHz Ed costs for example $250, that would improve dramatically the volume of shipments..
This market even without these relatively high prices shows a trend of shrinking-- so what are they trying to do (or helping/ not preventing from happening)? To kill it all?
At 250$ whatever is the number of shipment, i dont think it will be valuable of the cost of R&D and production.
At the same time, the market drop for a lot of different reason.. economy crisis, instability, the fact many hardware of 3+ years are still extremely good for todays use. ( I7 920, etc ) And it seems the gpu market is not really slowing down, same for other parts. Peoples keep their I7 920 or even QX9550 and just change the gpu, the ram... Outside enthusiast or some gamers, i have never see anyone buying a full desktop pc each years...
I dont think Tablet is the cause , ( in 2008, the same analyst was saying, the smartphone will kill the pc. ( why use a pc when you have one in your pocket ).. the reality is a bit different, peoples dont buy pc and tablet/smartphone at the same rates. you can take the numbers of today and say in 2016, they will be x amount of tablet sold.. This dont say, they will be a lot less of pc sold due of the tablets .. ( with windows 8 tablets + hybrid tablets, some will replace the low end notebook or in reality the netbook. )
In some aspect, the tablet market is merging with the pc worlds, and all thoses technology merges...
We live in a connected world, and the tablet is ideal in some case for be the link between home, office computer experience ..... But i dont see Desktop pc or even powerfull laptop disappear on the profit of the tablet.
Even the tablet + keyboard /trackpad is not yet a really good experience, its ok for have a better experience on the tablet, but it is as weak netbook experience..
There's too a big difference, it is new, like for the mobile phones and the smartphones then, peoples buy something they have not, and the price is low.
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