Ahh I guess that makes sense now.
BTW, what did Dave save this generation? Ever since the HD 48xx cards, the thing Dave has saved has remained a mystery.
I think he saved Christmas for AMD. The following is all guesswork, so ready your salt shakers.
When Ibiza became Cayman on 40nm, it became a big, un(w/y)ieldly kinda thing. Relative to RV770, to keep perspective. So it was going to be more expensive than preserving the power target of 32nm Ibiza would allow. So the power budget went up, to give the performance targets a hope of being achieved. Once this happened, the market target changed - high end enthusiast ~$300+. So the clever boys put their clever hats on, and got to being clever, in the clever manner only they know how.
The result was - extend the Juniper line up, give Cypress a tweak into being the ~$200 hero, and attack the high end from the flank with a 4-barreled salvo to the bread-basket. Thus Barts was born, and sent into the breach against GF104, aided by Cypress who was tracking the GF100, now under pressure from GF110.
At this point, Dave saved Christmas.
The guy who did Secret Santa in Markham left, and nobody wanted to do it - I mean seriously, who wants to be that guy? "Pick a name, don't blow your budget but try to be original! ATI Radeon shirts don't count." Dave, having sat around since he won the high end in September 09, the ultra high end until.... well, pretty much now, decided to give it a whirl this year, as long as someone else took it up next year.
And so Christmas was saved!