AMD's problem is that they need an architectural improvement for GCN and honestly that improvement needs to be included in their first finfet GPUs or they're going to have a bad time. They also need to "show up to the fight" instead of making Fermi delays looks short.
Take a look at what kind of GPUs (dies) NV and AMD were releasing back in the Tesla / Fermi days. AMD was competing with (slightly slower but still comparable) NV's big dies with their sweet spot 250-350mm^2 dies. AMD could also skimp on PCB and cooler design because their cards were more efficient.
Jump to to Kepler and early 2012, suddenly a mainstream NV die that would previously have been used in a GTX x60 level card was on par with a large-ish sweet spot Tahiti. On top that the NV card can be manufactured cheaper with NV's now superior memory controllers (less complex PCB needed due to lower width bus) and low GPU power consumption (less complex and robust power delivery). NV's profit margins soar.
Jump to 2013 and the GK110 and Hawaii battle. Everyone knew GK110 was coming, and with a superficial look it wasn't much of an issue for AMD, hawaii did still beat it and it was actually smaller too. However look at what was needed compared to the Fermi days: launched ~7 months later than GK110 (compared to ~6 months earlier), ~440mm^2 die (compared to ~330), higher/same power (compared to considerably lower with cypress), more complex PCBs and more memory chips (compared to less complex and less chips with cypress). To compete with GK110 AMD had to give up their sweet spot strategy.
Jump to 2014 and GM204 vs. Hawaii situation. AMD clearly doesn't have big enough architectural improvements ready that it would make sense to release a hawaii replacement (they still don't since hawaii will be going into the 300 series), because of this they're competing against slightly faster cards with their own cards that are/have: bigger dies, more complex PCBs, more memory chips, higher cooling costs, etc. and because the Nvidia cards are faster, cooler and quieter AMD is having to play the value route (massive price cuts to the 290 series) pretty much destroying their margins for their first non-sweet spot die in a long time. Meanwhile NV margins go even higher.
Now on to mid 2015. GM204 is still selling, GM200 has come out, selling at massive prices, not requiring anything exotic as far as technology goes and NV's margins are sky high. AMD's newest super high end chip hasn't come out yet (late again), however it's almost 100% certain that in order to compete with GM200 AMD has had to come pretty close to matching NV's huge 500-600mm^2 die sizes (up from ~330mm^2 in 2010) while also adopting a completely new memory technology that will actually help them in die size and power budgets compared to the technology that Nvidia is using. And it's also extremely likely that AMD has had to resort to watercooling to clock their card high enough to compete properly.
I'm not even going to go into how it's a safer bet for NV to play big dies due to their HPC experience in interconnect tech, software etc. (because HPC means high margins) however the real question comes up next:
What happens in (mid-late) 2016?
-Nvidia moves to 14/16nm
-Nvidia moves to HBM
-AMD moves to 14/16nm
In mid 2016 (most likely date) the HBM advantage (die size and power savings) that AMD has had to play to compete in this high end round is going to be gone. Both NV and AMD are going to be on HBM and most likely on the same ff process from TSMC.
If AMD does nothing to their architecture before that mid 2016 point arrives they're going to be left with GPUs that are slower, more expensive to make and consume more power than their competitors. And that scenario is just going to feed into the never ending loop of earning less money, spending less on R&D, canning projects, being less competitive and again earning less.
So what AMD sorely needs are architectural improvements to GCN. Not necessarily right now because right now they can play some cards that given them an advantage that NV can't get. But that luxury stops before 2016 is over.
my 2c