Unknown Soldier
When is Mantle going to officially be released?
Yeah, just like other compute APIs.And allows for proper multithreading on CPU while sending commands to the GPU?
GRaphics? Graphics Render?
I'm pretty sure that uses Tiled Resources, not bindless. It's a DirectX game, right? There's no bindless in DirectX, and in GL it's an NVIDIA extension...Divinity dragon commander
I vaguely recall one of the presentations from the AMD event saying that the descriptor stuff wouldn't work as-is pre-GCN and that would make some amount of sense... by my understanding in GCN the scalar unit reads the relevant data for the texture unit and passes it from registers to the sampler. Not sure if/how that would be done pre-GCN but you would not want to blow vector instructions with it. Thus I'd assume the sampler read the relevant data directly from memory instead, but someone can correct me on that (doubtful I'll have time to read through those now-outdated docs).
Ah interesting, so the shader <-> sampler interface sounds similar then, just I guess those registers in practice only get filled by some sort of pre-shader descriptor/memory streamer thing. I can't imagine they'd waste vector ALU slots loading that data... (all sort of academic at this point, but still curious heh).I skimmed the evergreen/cayman docs and it looks like resource descriptors still came from physical registers that were set using command buffer packets.
Mantle for non-GCN GPUs? LOL
We are 2 days away from end of December. Still no Mantle for BF4....