I think everyone here is being totally pessimistic.
AMD have already come out talking about their 4x4 program. Pairing it up with either Crossfire or SLI (of course they had to say that).
ATi were saying about watch this space for PPU developments in 9 months time.
What uses 4 CPU's at the moment? Well apart from getting your Super PI scores down. Nothing at all.
I wouldnt say that AMD and ATI havent been talking to each other for many months now. Could we see them coming out with an ultimate platform of Mult-CPU, Multi-GPU with either one supporting PPU functions.
I wouldnt bet the farm that AMD will suddenly drop the highend and not be competitive with Nvidia. I would rather be willing to bet that designs are more centered to converging the CPU, Mobo, Ram and GPU and optimising everything they can do deliever the ultimate gaming experience under Vista.
Just think about it now. Optimised drivers for your mobo, that work in tandem with your gfx card. A dual/quad core CPU or dual CPU's for 4x/8x configuration and Dual/Quad/Hex Crossfire? As ATI mobos may have 3 PCI-E slots.
If you guys need to go anywhere. Look at X-Box/360. Its all under one roof. Its all controlled, its all streamlined right?
Imagine AMD telling you, these mobos, gfx cards, cpus... they all work together to give you the most optimised and best gaming platform.
Buy Intel + Nvidia and you arent as optimised....
Now all we need is AMD to buy a soundcard manufacturer and they can ship out pretty decent closed systems.