Well I'm just gonna say this. The next handhelds will have either flash, ssd, or some other type of PM, but they will also have DDL. Handhelds are moving towards cell phones or the other way around. Eventually they'll be both in one system. The next consoles ( Not counting Nintendo ) Xbox 720, PS4 will come in two verisons.
Both verisons will have SSD/Flash whatever for games. They'll also have verisons with disc players in them for people who want to use them for movies, music or games from the past gen.
One verison will cost about $100 more than the other. Than again they might have a ddl only verison and a pm verison. What alot of people here think is that the discs we have now aren't big enough.
Thats true. We have heard about 1-5 TB discs but they haven't come out yet. We have heard about 400gig blu-ray discs they haven't come out yet. They might use these discs in there next systems if they are ready to go, but they might not be out by the time the next systems launch.
So whats on the table? SSD, Flash, maybe something else. The next gen will come on some sort of PM, we just are all here guessing. None of us know what it will be. None of us know what the big 3 are making for there systems. We could have Nintendo using Flash, Mircosoft using SSD, Sony using Pioneer's 400 Gig Disc. None of us know what there gonna use. The fast of the matter is, it doesn't matter.
People could care less about what PM there using as long as it is a PM. If 1 or 2 of the big 3 have a PM, and the other has a DDL only, there system would fail badly. I don't see why we couldn't have a Flash, to HDD That would get rid of alot of piracy and used game sales.
The problem is, look at the SNES/Genesis years, you say it would reduce prices, it wouldn't. You would see MW3 coming out and being the same price 6 months later. Some games you would see being the same price for a year or more. When MKII came out, the price didn't drop on it for 9 months. The developers are only trying to get the max out of there products. They'll do it with good games and bad games. If GOW4 and ( R-Type 7 something )come out they'll be the same price for months, even though GOW4 was downloaded million times more.
Look at R-Type on Xbox Live, came out 2 years ago, has the same price now as it did the day it came out. Same with alot of other games. All they care about is the cold hard cash. Sure prices will come down, its just a matter of how long does it take them do lower the prices on games that quite frankly suck big donkey balls. ( Lookin at you Too Human ) The next gen will have some type of PM, maybe discs, maybe SSD, maybe Flash, maybe something else, but the next gen systems will have physical mediums.
They just might have diffrent verisons, one with Disc/SSD/, one with SSD only. DDL is just an added feature. The problem is cost, space, piracy, used game sales. They can fix it all, just what direction will they take. The next systems will have some type of PM.