ALIENATION : From HouseMarque ! Need I say more :D ?

Gaahhh, you meanie! Proper response would have been, "yes, it's out now." ...And then it would have been.

Now we all have to wait even longer! :p
...And the 26th is a week off, ghaaaffbflrblb... *sound of Grall overheating and melting*
So I'm looking at this game and all I can think of is a less interesting version of Alien Shooter: Vengeance. that game let you level up, buy weapons and implants, have a special skill chosen at the beginning of the game, different characters that can add a twist to the beginning(by end game won't matter too much), try different weapon types that often have sub-types in them, secret shit in just about every level...

This game just looks boring.
Sure there aren't any rpg mechanics in Alienation? You could more or less do all of the above in Housmarque's own Dead Nation, and unlike in that gane, Alienation has very distinct character classes on top of its light rpg systems.
Alienation has unlimited ammo, I hope?

Reason I got nowhere with Dead Nation is I ran out too much. (Also, zombies killing me, because that game was fricken hardcore difficult...)
Ammo pick ups in 2016? Let me guess, from glowing primary colour crates that bounce up and down while floating and rotating in the air?

:( :( :( :(
Obsessively checked the PSN store since midnight, annoyed that game isn't up yet. Checks B3D thread; realizes it's not slated for release until tomorrow. Fail!
Played about 10 minutes yesterday. Needed to wake up early so couldn't afford more time. Will play more tonight :)
Wow oh wow, totally overlooked this game! What a ridiculous amount of insane looking particles on top of cool sci fi weapons pulverizing aliens:devilish:. Looks like Diablo with mechs but graphics turned to eleven. Will buy and try.