Alien Isolation

^One of my biggest pet peeves with most first person games. The player character is rarely given a corporeal form. No physical body when you bother to look down and a big, fat nothing to interact with light sources either. Don't know why so few developers bother with this. The feeling of not just controlling a flying drone with a pair of arms adds a lot in and of itself. And them there's of course the shadows your own body casts onto the environments which can play all sorts of tricks on your mind. That's especially true in a horror title where atmosphere is key.
^One of my biggest pet peeves with most first person games. The player character is rarely given a corporeal form. No physical body when you bother to look down and a big, fat nothing to interact with light sources either. Don't know why so few developers bother with this. The feeling of not just controlling a flying drone with a pair of arms adds a lot in and of itself. And them there's of course the shadows your own body casts onto the environments which can play all sorts of tricks on your mind. That's especially true in a horror title where atmosphere is key.

Several FPS have full body awareness.
It's not the standard but it's really becoming more and more popular nowadays.
The new Thief has probably the best body awareness I have seen.
Isolation so far seems to do it well.

Here's a incomplete list of games that have it anyway:
Sorely missed that feature in the Bioshock series. :( (BS2's magical body-shadow-for-certain-shadow-casters-but-no-physical-body is a bit something else. :p)

I think it was the original Unreal that gave you feet to look at, or it could have been Soldier of Fortune. I forget which now. Hopefully this gen will bring full corporeality to our protagonists!
Shading doesn't look particularly realistic to me. Nothing that hasn't been done this gen. Also, shadows are too hard, almost as hard as Doom 3's. Other than that it looks good. The indirect lighting effects are probably just hand placed lights.
In terms of the lighting/cinematography? Those blu-ray shots have soft lighting to me (just look at the cryopod scene). Nothing insane on the specular/high frequency. Subtle/gradual changes in lighting across the surfaces. Even the elephant man scene has subdued specular highlights. Dull metals with spread out specular (rough surfaces). The only really shiny thing there seems to be the glass reflection on the space suit (or Parker's sweat-face :p).

The total opposite would be something like Doom 3's specular/direct lighting.


bleh, difficult to explain, and too many different scenes to account for that are naturally different. The alien ship scene is clean/sharp - not soft (was attributing soft to the human living spaces).

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Only applies to the first film though, since that's what CA are basing this game off of. :)

(BTW, I don't think it looks like real-life, just that the shading looked good considering... the DOF looked pretty nice too.

Is there a release date?
I think the early-days-cgi synthetic look might be out of a combination of many clean plastic/metal surfaces, plus soft specular highlights, plus little texture noise, plus mostly artificial lighting, plus small penumbra-shadows, plus what seems to be artist placed indirect lighting. All of this together leads to very little high-frequency detail, or more organic/less-predictable light transitions and bleeding. Something very common on early cgi work.
The first movie was pretty soft, no? Been a while since I saw it. Not a very shiny film either.

Frankly, I can't recall exactly either. Was a kid back then. Maybe its just the impression it left in my head of a very high contrast, sweaty, claustrophic adventure and a very scary shiny high contrast high specular unique alien . I think it would be good to just watch it again,was a great movie ;)
I recommended original theatrical version, expanded version did not add anything important.

Alien or Aliens?

Afaik the DC cut of Alien is slightly shorter, it's the DC version of Aliens that added alot of stuff, including the daughter :)
Edge #263