Would be nice to know what they're running on. Some pics do have that too-good-to-be-true lighting to them.
Are there any good shots of the alien so far? I really hope they will go for the reptile look (that was more prominent in Aliens) rather than the "man in a costume-look" that the '79 movie had.
So, the first alien was designed to look as much different from a "man in suit" as possible. The guy playing the creature was 7 feet tall and extremely thin so he could usually look strange enough on his own. Sometimes they also had him squat and crouch, but the most important trick was to hide most of the body in shadow or outside the camera's view.
Wish we could see some of that unreleased trailer. Must have been awesome in today's high quality CG ! The AC Revelations trailer was super amazing !
Aliens' was made in 1986. CGI was virtually non-existent then, and when used was obviously CG. There's nothing CGI could have contributed to Aliens beyond the computer displays themselves. It couldn't handle realistic creatures.I attributed it to better CGI