Accurate Human Rendering in Game [2018]

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Funny enough, i think his hair and beard don't look good...


His beard, particularly, looks really flat while you can see some hard edges on his hair.

Good beard + good hair rendering imo :

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Looks that I was wrong and you have your own opinion and that you not only praise exclusive games.

If it isnt on ps4 its not impressive or a match for a exclusive for the system. Clouded judgements.
Its to be expected on any forum, but here the balance can seem abit off.
Funny enough, i think his hair and beard don't look good...


His beard, particularly, looks really flat while you can see some hard edges on his hair.

Good beard + good hair rendering imo :


I agree. Although not excellent, Detroits hair is still better than in many games. The beard, on the other hand, is very flat.

The hair in Death Stranding is already more realistic looking but apart from the technique the beard with its few single hairs is not very nice to look at aesthetically. These few beard hairs are probably saving system resources. :D

I would really like another game with only two of them.

Yes, it was an exciting adventure. Maybe my favorite game of the year.
It's too bad they only use dynamic lighting for the game. Characters (and the environments) would look much better using lightmaps (look at TLoS2).
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