Accurate human rendering in game [2014-2016]

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Pretty convincing, especially the lips
The lips are in the uncanny valley for me, :cry: too, and the extra shiny shiny surfaces on the skin don't help either.

Why not just Photoshop an actual face, and make it into a game, something similar to this? (the woman is supposed to be Kim Kardashian)

Avatar like graphics inbound :oops:? Sometimes I do wonder if the devs are trolling because they can. I'll believe it when I see it:).
This guy looks pretty convincing, from the latest COD trailer:

(snip gigantic pic because B3D doesn't know how to scale images)
Hmph. Face aside, look at the gear he's wearing.. no way in hell that's realtime. Especially for a CoD game. Kevin Spacey's in-game model is only a fraction as detailed as this.
Well how else would I know about the actual performances? :)

Yeah I've been the character modeling lead on the project.
Thanks guys! It was a really exhausting project and everyone pushed very hard to make it the best we could :)

Also, I guess you can now understand my previous post about working with scan data... ;)
Was he good to work with? Some great work there, kudos to you and your teams.
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