A Video of Valve's New Portal Game

Nice and interesting video. :) Are they letting users create their own puzzles/levels? This could be a hit on XBLA (or PS3 Online, what is it called?) by itself! And surely the basic code/assets for such a puzzle game would fit inside 50MB (for XBLA at the least)? And then additional or user-created content will just be on the marketplace.
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It's not yet quite clear what Portal is. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it's actually a new weapon in Episode 2 itself.

User-created content would be great, and it's perfectly viable on the PC side at least as we've already seen (in fact, the whole portal thing started life as a project of some students at Digipen called Narbacular Drop). Not quite sure if it could be accomodated on the consoles, unless Valve plan to include a simple level editor or something like that, but there's no indication of that yet.
it reminds me of the original prey demos

I think it would fit nicely in the HL universe though, they could work it in the story as a portable version of the teleport system in HL2
I cant imagine this being played without a mouse and keyboard. Would need some very quick, fast, and precise reactions. Looks like great fun either way though.

theres a 720p trailer on the playsyde/xboxyde site.

pegisys said:
I think it would fit nicely in the HL universe though, they could work it in the story as a portable version of the teleport system in HL2
Could explain how the G-man gets around so fast :p
I was about to mention the student's project Narbacular Drop*, but it has already been mentionned in this thread. The game mechanics in ND are mostly the same as those presented in that video of Portal, it can give you a nice idea of how Portal is played.
(Digipen should give their students basic courses on Marketing, especially for the names, I mean Narbacular Drop?)

That said, when I was watching this video of Portal, being the graphic enthusiast that I am, the first thing that I did notice was the DOF/MB effect on the weapon, it gives a very nice touch to the whole image.
Vysez said:
That said, when I was watching this video of Portal, being the graphic enthusiast that I am, the first thing that I did notice was the DOF/MB effect on the weapon, it gives a very nice touch to the whole image.
I thought that was one of the most interesting things about the video. You'd think games would do this before, or even games coming soon. When you are shooting in an FPS you never focus on your weapon, you focus on your crosshair and the object your aiming at. The Depth of Field / Motion Blur definately makes sense. Cool stuff valve :)

I was playing that Narbacular Drop but had to give up after the 2nd level, couldnt figure out the turtle thing lol. He wouldnt let me go passed the 2nd gate. :LOL:
Video's cool as hell!

Btw, my co-worker said he saw Peter Molyneux demonstrate the same thing (well not valve's portal but their .. something) a couple of years ago at GDC.
How do you think they do the view through the hole, especially the recursive views? Multiple render to textures? I guess that explains in part why the scenery is simple. Nice lighting makes up for that and gives quality visuals without being costly.
Meh, Prey really doesn't have any gameplay based around portals. Portals in prey are mostly 'pretty doors' and to create a few tardis'es. The fact they both have portals seems like a superficial similarity to me.

Besides, if Portal were a Prey ripoff it would have to be a halflife1-style rail shooter set on a doom3 themed tech/flesh spaceship with quake2/4 style human processing going on where you run up corridors shooting aliens with a Doom1 compliment of weapons + a sniper rifle.
bitwise xor said:
Meh, Prey really doesn't have any gameplay based around portals. Portals in prey are mostly 'pretty doors' and to create a few tardis'es. The fact they both have portals seems like a superficial similarity to me.

Besides, if Portal were a Prey ripoff it would have to be a halflife1-style rail shooter set on a doom3 themed tech/flesh spaceship with quake2/4 style human processing going on where you run up corridors shooting aliens with a Doom1 compliment of weapons + a sniper rifle.
As long as it has better level disign then "spikes falling from cieling" I'll be happy. It'd be nice if you could make a portal behind the enemy and shoot them from both sides.