What's the price rift between PC66 and PC2100 at? About 3% if that? Dropping 60% or more bandwith to save a few percent doesn't make much sense.
Who's talking about PC66 or PC2100?.. I'm talking about top of the range video ram vs lower end video ram, more like 350mhz 128bit DDR ram vs 150mhz 128bit DDR ram.
Hmm, and how are tilers going to hold up with 128x AA and 512bit rendering
The answer is far better then an IMR
Anyway the 512bit comment is certainly out of place mate, 64bit is coming like it or not.
When you hit 1080i with 4x AA you are closing in on human perception limits.
Exactly what res is 1080!??.. I know nothing about HDTV's.
Saving $1.50 and dropping 60% or more?
Once again we're not talking about system ram so old that its no longer even used (PC66) and new system ram that's used in most new PC's. We're talking about top of the line ram that's hardly used in any great number and is very expensive vs ram used in lower end cards that have been bought in their ten's of millions. The price gap is not $1.50 their, look at the TI4200 vs the TI4600, the biggest difference their is ram speed goes from 200mhz in 4200 to 325mhz in 4600 and the price of the card rockets.
Given the amount of time we have until the XB2 is ready to go 60GB/sec isn't looking at bleeding edge, that should be fairly mainstream.
Really? Xbox 2 will likely be released in under 5 years. They'll have to get it all ready in under 4 years, so in 4 years you think 60gb/s will be mainstream? (like 166mhz DDR is now?). 4 years ago top of the line video ram was around 2.7gb/s, now mainstream ram is around 5.18gb/s. So current mainstream video ram has just under double the amount of bandwidth that top of the line video ram had 4 years ago (and that's without taking into account the fact that DDR is less efficient then SDR). But you think that 4 years from now mainstream ram (the 166mhz 128k DDR ram of today) will have 6 times more bandwidth then the current top of the line ram (325mhz 128bit DDR)?
A bit over one quarter the gometric throughput is faster?
I'm talking about raw specs, I've heard many a person say "XBox isn't that powerful.. look at it, its only got a 750mhz CPU and a 200mhz graphics card with only 6gb/s of bandwidth... my PC has a 1.4+ GHZ CPU and has a graphics card with 10gb/s bandwidth.. its much more powerful then XBox.
If you honestly think that the DC is holding up to the PS2, you are delusional
DC might not be holding up to PS2 in stuff like polygon counts but allot of the time PS2 games don't have that high polygons counts and the DC make up for its slightly lower polygon counts with better texturing. Overall DC can still hang with the PS2 for visuals IMO. Of course PS2's best looking games are better looking then anything on DC but not by a long way, and most of the games on PS2 and DC look pretty similar in quality.
VIA is going after third world nations with their CPUs, they are not going to be close to Intel or AMD for many years, let alone a highly customized CPU such as that being used in the PS3
They may not have to, the XBox doesn't have a CPU that even comes close to the PS2's CPU.. but it makes up for that in other ways. Look at the XBox's CPU, its barely a mid end solution in the PC space.
I have to hear this, how do you figure?
Its pretty obvious isn't it? The Kyro III with 200mhz DDR ram (like XBox) would reach a far higher fillrate at 640x480x32 with FSAA then the NV2A could with 200mhz DDR ram. Because of the tiling the FSAA would not take extra ram or framebuffer bandwidth, no Z-buffer, no overdraw.. you do the maths.
what about adding in the cost of the North and SouthBridge chipsets? Then tack on the cost of an audio chip. nV is doing a lot more then just providing the graphics chip.
Are Nvidia's south/north bridge so cheap that VIA could not match them in price?... VIA have a hell of a lot more knowledge and experience in motherboards then Nvidia do. As for sound, again is Nvidia's solution anything special?
Between the two of them you are still missing a sound chip
Did you not read my comment on Ensigma?.. the sound division of IMGTEC.
and then all of that combined needs to come in at the right price point and be competitive against what nV or ATi has to offer.
Well that goes without saying.
Right now IMGTec/VIA haven't proven that they can do it. nVidia gave them a platform, not just a graphics chip. ATi is working that way(chipsets at least), I see them as being the closest right now
And Nvidia
will undoubtedly be the favourite for XBox 2
if they can get this little squable with MS sorted out and get back to being good friends again.
Kind of hopeful for IMT/VIA in that scenario particularly considering that ATi has the team that has handled the last two Nintnedo consoles.
And you think ATI are going to make the chips for both XBox 2 and Nintendo's next console? I said if ATI go with XBox 2 then I believe Nintendo may choose VIA/IMGTEC because of Nintendo's current philosophy of cheap yet efficient consoles.
nV's dev relations were almost certainly a factor in their getting the nod, that is one area where the XBox has both the other platforms whipped badly.
Once again, this is all assuming that Nvidia and MS don't fully recover their friendship after this bad fallout with chip costs. As I've said if Nvidia and MS become best friends again then Nvidia are undoubtedly the strong favourites for XBox 2. But if not then MS may have to choose someone else. If its ATI then I think IMG/VIA have a hell of a chance of being chosen ahead of Nvidia by Nintendo. But then if were talking dev support and drivers ect then ATI are hardly great at that.. infact IMGTEC are clearly better then ATI in this area IMO.