A minority of B3D forum members are opinionated fools

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Re: "A minority of B3B forum members are opinionated fo

Devourer said:
Breaking news

Whoa! Dave, you're famous!

While I clearly fit that position, I wouldn't be surprised if they were aiming at the guys in the 3D Forum's which were ripping on the Fuad guy who works for them. While I don't know the whole backstory, much of the comments towards the Inquirer are comedy gold.

EDIT: For example. or this thread, or here.. The list is long and distinguished.
Captain Chickenpants said:
It is also one of ATI Technologies favourite hangouts and a place where we're told that even Nvidia employees – contrary to their internal policies - post under pseudonyms.

How to identify who is ATI and who is NV employee....? :D
I don't know of a single NV employee posting here, there might well be some, but if so they don't state it publically. OpenGL Guy is probably the highest-profile ATi person here, there are probably one or two more around (Catalyst Maker posts at Rage3D's boards, not sure about B3D).

I laughed when I saw that Inq "article" make a big deal about Fuad getting it right regarding PS3.0 and the R420, well Fuad's predicted just about every single possible outcome under the sun, so it's not strange that one of them turns out to be right. Problem with that is, that automatically means ALL the other ones are wrong! :LOL: It's not really something I would brag about, but then again, I'm not the Inq. ;)
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