3DS to be more powerful than Wii -- Not using Nvidia's Tegra

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Its not black and white though. Xenon GPU modifies the command buffer
on the first tile with screen space bounding areas so you don't need to use software tiling.
I.e. A valid Xenon GPU Command buffer is
Set Tile 0
Render *GPU calculates tile coverage*
Set Tile 1

No CPU interaction is required for it to work.

Anything that is not in Tile 1 screen area will be skipped at the command buffer level (i.e. not submitted from the front end to the main GPU units).

So its somewhere in between... argueable the command buffer is a captured scene which the tile unit (actived when rendering Tile 0) writes back data about tile coverage for subsquent tiles.

So is it culling, or is it really tiling? I mean, where you have "GPU calculates tile coverage", is it actually calculating which tile each GPU spans, or is it just calculating if it's inside tile 0 or not? Either way, it's still at least screen space culling done at the geometry level (don't know about z and w) and before triangle setup/rasterization. But I don't know if this is something modern IMRs do too; I was under the impression that guard band clipping was used during scanline setup, ie post triangle setup. Is the tile bounding in Xenon clipping as well, or just culling?

I would argue that just having an explicitly addressed intermediate render output buffer that can not act directly as framebuffer means you're "tiling", for a reasonable definition of the word. You output to tile memory, which is fast, then can burst data back to the target buffers in a single resolve. The only way this data flow would occur in an IMR is if the target buffer writes are being cached, but without explicit resolves there'd be no configuration available for avoiding writeback of temporary data like depth/stencil. I assume Xenon does have the ability to not resolve these buffers, which should be another tiling advantage over IMRs.
not long now until we know something, hopefully, later tomorrow (it's Monday here).
I'm keeping my expectations fairly low. I don't expect Nintendo to go with cutting edge, but I'm willing to bet it is yet another ARM solution.

The big question would be concerning how they solve their piracy issues, but I don't think that subject matter something Beyond 3D discusses much...
We've discussed it plenty, I hold the position that their copy prevention implementation in the DS was simply weak and it shouldn't be too hard to make it nigh impossible to pirate cartridge and downloaded games. Everyone else disagrees with me.
3DS was just shown. Graphics look on par with PSP, maybe even Gamecube, but definitely not Wii-level.

oh and Kid Icarus was just revealed for 3DS.
3DS was just shown. Graphics look on par with PSP, maybe even Gamecube, but definitely not Wii-level.

oh and Kid Icarus was just revealed for 3DS.

The graphics seemed to display many of the traits of GCN games, I think the theory about a shrunken down Flipper may have been 100% correct. Looks above PSP level to me and plus its rendering in a much higher resolution than PSP (about 2x if its that Sharp screen) and then there's the extra overhead of stereo3D so the hardware must be significantly beyond what's in the PSP.
So 3DS has a gyro to much like iPhone4.

I'd say the graphics look better than PSP since there seems to be more shaders at work. Draw distance is also something to consider in the video, as it is very distant.
Some game screens:




Specifications as well:


Looks about GCN level I guess but with lower vert. counts (expected considering S3D means processing triangles twice). Resolution is pretty impressive for a handheld machine. No AA though. :(

I seriously think those shrunken down Flipper rumours were spot on, its definitely in that sort of ball park imo.

Loads of third party screenshots here:


The Snake Eater port doesn't look to be compromised in any way at all, to run high end PS2 games at launch, in 3D and with a really nice resolution to boot is pretty impressive. It should be capable of some very decent stuff, definitely beyond PSP imo.
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Street Fighter shots are interesting as they seem to have most of the advanced shading of the PS3/360 version. Maybe this isn't Flipper based afterall.


Self shadowing as well, pretty impressive for a cheap port.

Edit: Yeah, the more screenshots I see, the more abundant nice shader effects look to be, so unlike before I don't think this is Flipper based at all, Nintendo's first party stuff just don't seem to be pushing too mnay advanced effects like third parties are.
Looks about GCN level I guess but with lower vert. counts (expected considering S3D means processing triangles twice). Resolution is pretty impressive for a handheld machine. No AA though. :(
I noticed the lower geometry complexity in the kid icarus video too (below cube levels) - double rendition taxation on the pipeline indeed.

As re the total lack of AA - it's really curious how nintendo went from a free AA to no AA in a gen- must be something about stereoscopic display that allows them to do that. On that note, I can't wait to get my hands on the darn device!
Hoping these are not FMV bullshots (Most likely not because of the low geometry models, 2D spalsh on boat), but still:





http://reformiklubi.fi/~mattu/Ninte...ts/RESIDENT EVIL/3DS_ResidentER_05ss05_E3.png
http://reformiklubi.fi/~mattu/Ninte...ts/RESIDENT EVIL/3DS_ResidentER_06ss06_E3.png

As someone said, theres more liberal use of normal maps. I'm guessing Kid Icarus doesn't use it because they reused some of the assests from SSBB and also kept the artstyle consistent.

Edit: Splinter Cell stuff


It's odd that some shots show the AA and some don't.
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Well Ubi Soft is known for bullshots on everything. They're release Red Steel screens at 720p with 999999999999999999x aa.


You can see the polygons on her arm pretty clearly in this shot. They're probably realtime.
Here's some shots of the Star Fox 64 remake:


Looks like 3DS is capable of some good AA.

Which reminds me, is it nearly as necessary to have AA on stereoscopic vision?
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