3dhq Revenge "specs" -
http://web.tiscali.it/mayhem/01 REVENGE.htm
My choice selections -
"TNL units hyper threaded for optimal CPU like performance." What?
"32 fully featured pixels per clock." Riiight.
"500 + MHZ internal and DDR clock." Reasonable but...
"3200MP/s fill rate" ...so 32 x 500 = 3200. Remember that.
"Twin Risc TNL engines for Advanced pixel/Vertex shading calculations" Huh?
"Upto 78GB/s fill rate." - my personal favorite.
Apparently it was also a 16x2 with 36 million transistors. Yay.
EDIT: These were "released" towards the end of that charade (Apr 03), after everyone sane had already lost faith. You have to hand it to "Aqueel," for not much work at all he made himself quite a fortune (in "donations") from what I've heard.