3D Chip/Board Table Additions

Dave Baumann

Gamerscore Wh...
I'm thinking about including some more details on the programmable elements of the newer parts in the 3D Chip tables - any suggestions for what should be included (i.e. Instruction slots, number of temps, etc.)

And for those that want to browse the images of the reference boards already in the database I've added a new view that does just that.
DaveBaumann said:
I'm thinking about including some more details on the programmable elements of the newer parts in the 3D Chip tables - any suggestions for what should be included (i.e. Instruction slots, number of temps, etc.)
Not as much a suggestion as a question: Would you go with the core's hardware limits or the limits as they're exposed through the card's drivers? (or maybe add both?)

DaveBaumann said:
And for those that want to browse the images of the reference boards already in the database I've added a new view that does just that.
That's cool! :D


Dave, can you tell us how popular the page has been?

Also, IMO I think it would be good to make a change to the name of this on the left hand menu, from "3D Table" to "3D Chips".
incurable said:
Not as much a suggestion as a question: Would you go with the core's hardware limits or the limits as they're exposed through the card's drivers? (or maybe add both?)
It only makes sense to go with the limits that are available to game developers.
incurable said:
Not as much a suggestion as a question: Would you go with the core's hardware limits or the limits as they're exposed through the card's drivers? (or maybe add both?)

Probably best to go for the known limits of the core as I wouldn't want to be updating it all the time for every driver release.

Reverend said:
Dave, can you tell us how popular the page has been?

Also, IMO I think it would be good to make a change to the name of this on the left hand menu, from "3D Table" to "3D Chips".

Considering its not been "marketed" its been very sucessful - its got out via osmosis quite well and a number of developer/publisher forums are linking to guiding people to check of they have the required support for the game on their boards. I've just noticed that XBit have ripped a big chunk of it off, up at least they kept the links to the chip details.

And its "Table" rather than chips is it looks at both chips and boards, but I couldn't fit both on the menu!

pascal said:
Great work :)
What about a link to the B3D review of the card (if any)?

The functionality is already there, I just hadn't maintained that bit. You have to drill into the board details to get the link though, its not linked directly on the table view.
Theoretical VS throughput is in the detail chip/board pages - you have to drill in through the chip/board name to see it (we're a little limited for space on the tables, so we can't put everything).