[360] Splinter Cell: Conviction

Interesting. Looks like the Mark feature is limited to 2 targets relatively close to each other. If so it can be a fun and useful tool.

I'm still not fond of this whole Fischer as a rebel badass. I prefered SC 1 and 2 where he was this really cool steallth operative. /sigh.

I may give this a try though if nothing else is out at the time.

I think the Mark & execute is total BS lifted directly from Rainbow 6. In R6V atleast you are giving commands to ur squad, in this one who are giving commands to? God? and then he automatically does it too :mad: ! Who did that move, it wasn't me !

Where's the stealth gameplay ? I ask ! All I see is Jason Bourne !

They killed the Image of the game, the protagonist, the stealth gameplay, the gadgets ! What is left that is still Splinter Cell, but just the name?
I had always believed that SC was the "serious tone" counterpart of MGS. I had liked Sc1 and 2, but god knows what happened to the devs after that !

Sam is unrecognisable even in his moves. He used to be a Heavy set guy with very slow controlled body movements. This guy is extremely agile, like Bourne, and jumping around like Drake ! WTH !
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The demo they had shown earlier, though somewhat like Assassins Creed, felt much better than this. At least it had an atmosphere to it that gave it its own look !

I don't want to over react, but what is SPLINTER CELL in this? :rolleyes:
I think the Mark & execute is total BS lifted directly from Rainbow 6. In R6V atleast you are giving commands to ur squad, in this one who are giving commands to? God? and then he automatically does it too :mad: ! Who did that move, it wasn't me !
I liked the Mark system. I like the idea that you are Sam's brain making decisions, but he has the skills to execute it. Seems better as a super-spy operative for him to be able to shoot phenominally accurately, than to have the lousy aiming skills of myself!
I liked the Mark system. I like the idea that you are Sam's brain making decisions, but he has the skills to execute it. Seems better as a super-spy operative for him to be able to shoot phenominally accurately, than to have the lousy aiming skills of myself!

Or Sam's own lousy aiming skills. It's like the jump from Sc2 to SC3: the NSA invented the knife, the game was greatly improved. I can only hope that Sam going through firearms training between SC4 and SC5 will do the same for this game.
I don't remember having a hard time hitting anything with my weapons in SC 1 and 2. Did his aim go to poop in 3 and 4?


Slowing down, stopping and aiming always worked, and headshots are fatal, it was more during the inevitable and unfortunate 'fight your way through a crowd' that you have Sam unloading whole clips into his enemies. Hell, the reticle was bigger than most people's heads.
Ah ok, I never bothered with the running and gunning in that game. At most if I had to, small movements then deliberate shots served me well. Felt quite realistic as I've gone through some training ranges before and firing while moving is a complete mess.

Probably one of the reasons I liked it so much it reminded me in some ways of the realism of the early Rainbow 6 and Ghost Recon games. Also probably why I prefered it over the MGS series.

For a stealth based game it worked quite well, though for most action oriented games I prefer run and gun.

Sad that the game appears to have moved almost completely away from this type of gameplay... I'll have to wait to see what the reviews say. May not bother to even rent this one.

I think the idea is instead of having to store a large area's textures in RAM, you can store fewer textures in RAM just for the area you're in/heading to, which means they can be higher detail.
The gameplay sequence from eurogamer looks great (even if there pretty rough change in tone mapping), I wonder what the scale of the world :)
Video feature - Redefining Splinter Cell (part 1)



Splinter Cell: Conviction - New engine details and features

PCGH: Why did you choose to use Unreal Engine 2 instead of Unreal Engine 3?

Ubisoft: We're using our own engine, LEAD, which is an evolution from the engine used in SCCT.

PCGH: What are the strengths of this engine?

Ubisoft: • Amazing lighting engine, all lights are dynamic in the maps and can be dynamically activated and deactivated.
• A fully dynamic environment
• Latest enhancements, such as ambient occlusion or destructible environment
• Powerful to display a large amount of objects on screen
• Crowd management, even if not core to the gameplay

Dev Q&A

I have heard we can interact with the environment. Does this extend to only shooting lights and climbing mechanics or will we be able to interact with the objects in the environment at all?

There are many different ways you can interact with the environment which isn’t just shooting lights and clambering over things, you can also use it in areas such as:

- Interrogation scenes – you can use the environment in different ways to interrogate people. Smashing someone through a window and threatening to throw them out, for example.
- Cover – you can use the environment for cover and certain guns can shoot through certain cover.
- Lights can be switched on/off instead of just shooting them or using an EMP.
- Cars’ alarms can be set off to be used as a distraction.
- You can open/close windows to go through onto the ledge.
- Dynamic objects in the environment. Shoot/break objects (ie statue, flower pot) to get guards attention
- Civilians are part of the environment. You can create a panic by taking out your gun and use it to distract the enemies.
- Doors are also breakable
And that makes what, 4 different engines at Ubisoft?

3 main ones actually :LOL:

LEAD is basically another adaption off the robust Ubisoft "UE2.5 on steroids" I guess. One of the initial complaints of Conviction during the 07 showcase was it looked/played too close to Assassin's Creed :p

UE2.5 (Assassin's, PoP '08, Conviction)

UE3 (Rainbow 6 Vegas++, this one always seemed like the loner)

Yeti & Dunia (Far Cry 2, GRAW 360, some tie-in franchise stuff)
3 main ones actually :LOL:

LEAD is basically another adaption off the robust Ubisoft "UE2.5 on steroids" I guess. One of the initial complaints of Conviction during the 07 showcase was it looked/played too close to Assassin's Creed :p

UE2.5 (Assassin's, PoP '08, Conviction)

UE3 (Rainbow 6 Vegas++, this one always seemed like the loner)

Yeti & Dunia (Far Cry 2, GRAW 360, some tie-in franchise stuff)

Isn't Ancel creating his own engine for Beyond Good & Evil 2?
3 main ones actually :LOL:

LEAD is basically another adaption off the robust Ubisoft "UE2.5 on steroids" I guess. One of the initial complaints of Conviction during the 07 showcase was it looked/played too close to Assassin's Creed :p

UE2.5 (Assassin's, PoP '08, Conviction)

UE3 (Rainbow 6 Vegas++, this one always seemed like the loner)

Yeti & Dunia (Far Cry 2, GRAW 360, some tie-in franchise stuff)

Assasins Creed is better looking than any of those games IMO, with the possible exception of FC2.

My bandwidth is currently so horrible that I can't check up on the video, but from that screenshot on Wiki, I suspect another 2.5 derivative (low polycounts, flattish shading on misc objects etc).

And I don't think Ubi would fund Ancel that much for his own tech team- Dunia was more likely a one-off case where the uppers perceived a need beyond UE2.5/3 for FPSes (and the decision was rather correct)

For BG&E why make another engine when you already ironed out most of the kinks with the existing one WRT performance and porting?

Assasins Creed is better looking than any of those games IMO, with the possible exception of FC2.

AC depended a lot on presentation, I have to say. The futuristic looking HUD and "corruption" overlays oozed cool effortlessly.

Get out of the animus and the real world seems pretty horribly/sloppy/they just didn't give any damn about it (which I doubt, since it's Montreal and not some other studio)

AC2- now you're talking. Looks phenomenal from the video I got from XBLM.

Conviction- seeing so little of it I'm not sure. The original tech showcase had stuff and tech that AC did not (SSAO, object diffuse bleeding-?) But this one is definitely going to be like AC at least- extremely slick, and enough octane to make you forget that their generic boxes use 12 triangles with a flat texture :p
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