360 shipments?

Carl B

Friends call me xbd
Taking a step back from the usual topics, wondering if anyone here has a line on if/when the additional pre-Christmas shipments will be going out to the major US stores (Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc...)? I know it will be 'regularly,' but with the accuracy of some of the other information pre-launch, was wondering if someone might have something more specific in terms of quantities/allocations, and perhaps dates.
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What I've heard from a couple sources (and it seems to agree with the post above mine) is that shipments will come every week.
Well I was at a Circuit City yesterday that seemed to say there would be one more shipment before Christmas... but who knows when? EBGames ans such do't interest me as far as shipment data as they're kind of in their own world right now in terms of the 360 launch.
Our sources at Microsoft, if I understand from the eavesdropping on the conversations i have heard from the top guys here at game almanac, is that Microsoft has no firm ship dates for retail outlets. They are all to be determined. EB Games told me the other day that people could pre order for second shipment, but it might not come until January. I don't think anyone knows. All of the online stores are saying sold out, which is odd becuase normally you can order things, and they will let you know when they will be in stock.

The Circuit City's in my areas are definitely getting something before Christmas, and the EBGames in my area are as well, though of course those are already pre-commited. I'm almost 100% positive that one - or even two - more 360 shipments will be arriving en masse throughout my area in the Christmas run-up, but really just trying to hone in on a specific date range and locational 'hotspots'.
No kidding, asking around here I get answers like December 18th,"one more shipment sometime before Christmas," or even "early next year." MS obviously hasn't done anything to inspire confidence in my local retailers.
kyleb said:
No kidding, asking around here I get answers like December 18th,"one more shipment sometime before Christmas," or even "early next year." MS obviously hasn't done anything to inspire confidence in my local retailers.

They're probably just telling everyone that so they don't stop in every day asking if they have any 360s in. :)