[360, PS3] Star Ocean: The Last Hope

If that's true, than would be a bad design. They could have made it requires the 1st disc only.

That might break the transparency of the 'HD install' feature. Do we have any more information on how it works? Can developers, say, detect if a game is installed to HD?
Well, that's what he means, I think. You have 4 discs, you have 4 friends install the game to HD, give each one a disc and everyone plays the game at the same time.

That wouldn't be a problem, if they did it like PC games used to. Where all you needed after installation of multiple disks was to have the first disk in the drive.

All other disks would not work for game verification.

I'm not sure why MS didn't do it this way if they do in fact require each disk in the drive for that disk's "area."

I'm bumping this thread so that I can bitch about how horrible the story presentation is in this game.

What the hell were these guys thinking? You would think that in a generation that the cost to make a game are so high that they would keep something like this from dragging the rest of the game down but of course not. To see so much hard work go to waste on an RPG with such a poor presentation.
I don't blame the localization team for this at all. Many games that were brought over from Japan in the past had crappy localization to blame for their horrible presentation so it's understandable that people would point their finger at that but that is not the case with this game. People say that it's the voice acting but the more I watched the cut-scenes the more I realized that without redoing the cut scenes entirely with new dialog there was no way a localization team could have saved it.
Even Tales of Vesperia that plays somewhat similarly and lacks all of the bells and whistles of this game crushes it for story presentation alone.

I purchased this game day 1 when it was released in the states expecting to get something that was at least on par with TOV, LO or even BD in terms of story. I mean it is tri-Ace's flagship franchise, they couldn't possibly mess this up, right? Wrong, what I got was a new level of annoying that prompted me to shut the game off without even completing the initial cut-scenes.
In June I came back to it partly because I spent full retail on it but mostly because I had a few beers in me and decided "What the heck, I finished all the games I wanted to play I might as well give it another try". I was able to endure the first few cut-scenes but even in my slightly inebriated state the game irritated me. It looked nice and ran very well. You can tell a great deal of work went into this but every cut-scene was poorly directed and the characters lack any sense of subtlety.

Now, don't think that I would bitch about the game without giving it an honest try. With the help of beer, I have been able to make it to the final dungeon of the game and my opinion hasn't changed, it's an RPG with great gameplay and horrible presentation. I mean come on, a JRPG with terrible presentation. My God, presentation is part of the reason people play these games. Why did they screw this up?
It's over the top in the most annoying way. If I had to liken the presentation in the game to a Batman film it would be Batman and Robin. Yes, it is that bad.

Ok I know some of you would say that most cut-scenes are optional but then you end up with a game that can't even stand with many of the other recent Xbox 360 RPG's when it comes to presentation. Maybe I've become spoiled by TOV and LO, great games that aren't considered to be AAA. Maybe if this game came out earlier in the system life (with all the bells and whistles) I would be more tolerant of it but I found this unacceptable and will now be weary of any titles this dev releases in the future. That sucks because Resonance of Fate looks great.

With that said, if you own an Xbox 360 pick up Tales of Vesperia which was recently released in Europe and if you have a PS3 make sure to pick up Tales of Vesperia when it is released in your region. It's a great game and one of the few that I would ever recommend. The HD consoles need more RPGs that are at ToV’s level of quality.
I have finished SO4 with over 100 hours clocked and I loved it. I have even considered a second playthrough, but unfortunately I have too many other games on deck right now.

Tales of Vesperia is indeed great, and better than SO4 overall, but the combat in SO4 really shines and I really liked the universe and characters.
How is the story? Most important part of an RPG if you ask me and so far of all the other RPGs ive played this gen only Lost Odessey managed to keep me interested.

EDIT: and Mass Effect, almost forgot about that!
How is the story? Most important part of an RPG if you ask me and so far of all the other RPGs ive played this gen only Lost Odessey managed to keep me interested.

EDIT: and Mass Effect, almost forgot about that!

There are a lot of references to previous ("future") games, so if you enjoyed those, you'll likely be interested to see how things get started. Probably a third of the game takes place on Roak, so there are many familiar sights.
Did they fix the pacing in the story compared to 3? It seemed like Elicor and Vanguard pacing was nice but the rest of the locations seemed really rushed.
Did they fix the pacing in the story compared to 3? It seemed like Elicor and Vanguard pacing was nice but the rest of the locations seemed really rushed.

I spent more time in Roak and En II than anywhere else, but that's partly because of the post-game content.
Well that's one thing I liked about Rogue Galaxy their pacing between the worlds was much better than Star Ocean. I can only recall Star Ocean 2 having good pacing between worlds and that could be because there was only 2 of them.
How is the story? Most important part of an RPG if you ask me and so far of all the other RPGs ive played this gen only Lost Odessey managed to keep me interested.

EDIT: and Mass Effect, almost forgot about that!

If you are looking for something serious or dark then neither SO:TLH or ToV are for you.
If you're looking for a somewhat light hearted well told story(Well it's almost like a Shonen to tell the truth.) then ToV is for you.
If you're looking for camp out the ass then SO:TLH is for you.

One thing to remember about both games is that they are both real time and the battles can be hectic. It's not so bad when you start out at the beginning but you have to get the hang of it before the members of your party reaches 4 or your going to be in a mess.

I would say that TOV's battle system is a bit more complex, especially when set to manual but they do play similarly.
I was right about about SO:TLH heading to the PS3. The way that you had to constantly switch disk at the end was a dead give away that it wasn't really made with the 360 in mind.
I wont bother to go through this game again which is the epitome of Pastel colored Teen Fluff ...I played it once again just for the sake of its gameplay [which is awesome] but the characters,voice acting & story is Pure Meh !
I would love to see it and Vesparia come stateside. As I plan on getting a OS3 but want to play both of those games.
I would love to see it and Vesparia come stateside. As I plan on getting a [strike]OS3[/strike] PS3 but want to play both of those games.

I don't know anything about Star Ocean but found this article regarding the International edition:

Square Enix is raising the bar for their “international” editions, which usually have English voice acting and Japanese subtitles. Star Ocean: The Last Hope International also includes English subtitles.

On top of that, this scan from Famitsu says players will be able to choose French, German, and other text options from a menu. You can also choose either English or Japanese voice acting.
Like with all 360 "exclusive" rpgs imo: aside from lost odyssey, they are not all that anyway..