360: Dark Messiah new pics/vid

The melee combat in DM is really quite well done, and better than Oblivion for sure IMO. But yeah, DM isn't exactly much like OB in the RPG aspects and isn't even remotely open-ended in any way imagineable. It's basically a corridor FPS with some very light RPG stats.
Is THAT Source Engine :oops:

Yes. That's and other games. Like all of the Half Life 2 games, HL2:EP2 is looking really good, same with Portal, and TF2 art style is just amazing looking. Source engine has continued to be upgraded as it was designed for that in mind from the start. Some of the features have even been usable on some of the first games that used it (Counter Strike: Source for instance).
Are these new images using professional grade CG assets? The poly's seem quite high. Does the PC version actually look like that :?:
Wow, this game looks great! I love Hexen! Now, let's hope for co-op and split-screen co-op.

Sometimes, I like to play a RPG without using too much of my brain.
Are these new images using professional grade CG assets? The poly's seem quite high. Does the PC version actually look like that :?:

Bullshots, they've been enhanced in a few ways (looks like a decent amount of more polys from PC) but the PC game was certainly far from bad looking. Plus its been awhile I would expect it to have improved a bit, it ran like any other Source game for me on my PC, which means it was really fast and smooth.
Bullshots, they've been enhanced in a few ways (looks like a decent amount of more polys from PC) but the PC game was certainly far from bad looking. Plus its been awhile I would expect it to have improved a bit, it ran like any other Source game for me on my PC, which means it was really fast and smooth.

It ran like ass on my PC, that was until i got my 2gig of RAM and a X1950 PRO. Was smooooooth as butter then ;)

This game was a massive memory hog.
Are these new images using professional grade CG assets? The poly's seem quite high. Does the PC version actually look like that :?:
These are Ubisoft "screenshots." That's basically all there is to say about it.

It's cool to see this game on a console, though, since my PC couldn't run the demo at any reasonable framerate.
Fair enough. :) If the PC version didn't already look like that, I'd be extra skeptical is all (besides the super AA). I hope they fix the framerate issues then!

I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. :)
This POS was hugely bugged on PC. It still is if you`re running Vista...and kicking and kicking and kicking gets quite old quite quick.
This POS was hugely bugged on PC. It still is if you`re running Vista...and kicking and kicking and kicking gets quite old quite quick.

Multiplayer never even worked for me. Let me repeat that for people who didn't actually absorb that:

Multiplayer in Dark Messiah never worked for me. Not from the get-go.

DM was immensely bugged and nowhere in the realm of an RPG. It's a shooter that just so happens to take place in medieval times. Reviewers have a bad habit of labeling everything medieval themed "an rpg."
Whilst I`m not arguing with that, the big patch does jacksquat for Vista users, we get the same crashes that were experienced before the patch:D. And with UBI's custom of releasing incredibly buggy things(Spliner Cell:DA anyone?That one also was never patched to completeness AFAIR), I`m not holding my breath for a fix.

And I agree that labeling this as an RPG is a hyoooooge stretch. It`s a corridor shooter with some stats(I think you can actually finish the game with enough skill without advancing them), and the ability to collect mostly useless junk and potions. Not to mention the fact that after you`ve kicked your hundreth blackguard/orc into the conveniently placed spikes/chasm/fire(it`s like some god planned all of the places where there are enemies with your abilities in mind. Whilst I certainly understand the need for certain gameplay facilities, in this case I`d rate them as ridiculous) you`ll find that the fun of that action is completely gone.
Any good?

I own the pc version and it was an all around poorly done game (imo). Weak storyline, weak graphics (those these look considerably better), and for the most part repetitive gameplay.

If this turns out to be simply the pc title with updated visuals I would not suggest a purchase.