360: Dark Messiah new pics/vid

It really looks like it's making new visual bounds for the Source Engine, and what little I've played of Dark Messiah M&M on PC I did like it. I might give the 360 version a try.
It's a pretty short demo. It looks like HL2 on the 360 (i.e. not very good). The gameplay kind of reminds me of Assassin's Creed in a way. Hack and slash. You get a bow, but the arrows are so rediculously weak that it is better to just charge your enemies and chop off their heads. Maybe it's better when you upgrade your equipment.

I didn't find the visuals that impressive. Perhaps if they used the Assassin's Creed engine, it would have made the world more impressive. As it is, the world looks dull and drab. As much as I didn't care for Assassin's Creed's gameplay, that game did set an expectation for visuals in this game genre. This game is no where near as visually impressive as Assassin's Creed.
I think comparing this turd in any way to Assassin's Creed is a stretch. At any rate I actually liked the PC version & I do not remember it looking so crappy on the PC but this 360 demo looks pretty bad imo. Guess I am just spoiled on so many other games looking so much better.

Tried the demo & thought it was awful. No reason really to get this (for anyone) imo unless the MP is fun.
IMO, DM is a lot better than AC... Not in production values of course, but at least there is an actuall game in DM...
You know, I actually really enjoyed DM. It's amazing how polarized the opinions are of the game.