[360] Alan Wake - Still awake

The game sounds like it could appeal to mass markets. Not too original, predictable enough not to be too shocking, norrowing many elements from games such as Resident Evil 5 and Silent Hills, with cookie cutter characters.
An enjoyable enough game I'm sure, but maybe not the masterpiece many were expecting.
I wouldn't put too much stock into that Eurogamer review, was written by a girl who took offense with the wife character - she didn't even mention the graphics!
Kinda disappointed with reviewers scores but i always base my opinion on spoiler heavy justintv streams. Watching a thing isn't the same as playing it. If it looks fun to watch it will double the fun to play.

90~100 is the new 1~10 scale reviews site have fucked up the stupid scale with their freely given 9+. That's why i like this dutch review site they just say buy or no buy. Im talking about gamekings the Xbox slim april fool site they are amateurish sometimes not knowing everything about a franchise or games but the older folks on that site just rock.

is it me or are there some screen tearings in the game? also does the table look very low res to any of you?

now on topic, assassin's creed sold well despite bad reviews -but that was an exception. However,Haze and Too Human-which were destined for commercial success got pummeled in sales due to bad reviews

franchises like FF,Halo, MGS,GT wont need any review to sell. FF13 which had OK reviews, is already over 6m i believe and would end up 8-10m lifetime.

However ,The same cannot be said for all new and unproven franchises.
I expect Alan Wake to do heavy Rain numbers LTD -1.5m -2m

is it me or are there some screen tearings in the game? also does the table look very low res to any of you?

now on topic, assassin's creed sold well despite bad reviews -but that was an exception. However,Haze and Too Human-which were destined for commercial success got pummeled in sales due to bad reviews

franchises like FF,Halo, MGS,GT wont need any review to sell. FF13 which had OK reviews, is already over 6m i believe and would end up 8-10m lifetime.

However ,The same cannot be said for all new and unproven franchises.
I expect Alan Wake to do heavy Rain numbers LTD -1.5m -2m
Are you suggesting that this game has bad reviews? Really?


I suggest you take a look at the reviews. Every game, even the ones considered perfect have some iffy reviews.

Let's not waste any time here--so far I'm really enjoying this game quite a bit. It's actually much better than what I was expecting. I say that because I never invested much time or beleif (read:hype) in Alan Wake's ability to be good. Not because I had my doubts in Remmedy, but because I didnt read or watch previews at all. I wanted to play the game fresh. I always hoped it would be good mainly because I love the survival horror genre. Now though I've only played the game for a few hours I feel comfotable saying that this is probably what the Silent Hill series should have in terms of quality, scare and ambition. I actually enjoyed the two newest Silent Hill games but they wernt as good as I hoped they would be.

In short--after completing the first episode (for those that are not aware, the game is broken up into several episodes) the first thought I had was "this is probably what a survival horror game would be like if Valve made one."

Alan Wake is a goregeous looking game. There are so many miniscule things going on that it makes if difficult not to stop in each new location to look about for minutes on end. The lighting in particular is really stunning. The water in Bioshock is to the lighting in Alan Wake--it's a character in the game. I cannot remember the last time I saw lighting used to this degree and so well. The things they're doing, technically, are jarring and--at times--hypnotic. The environments are littered with objects that are fully detailed and moveable when you bump into them. I know it sounds strange to say but the trees are the best! Weird I know, but when you see the way they move and sway in the wind it will really sink in how well they help create a sense that the forest is alive, dancing and coming after you.

The sound is goddamn amazing. It's the sublte crunching of the leaves under your feet, the whispers in the wind, the groaning of the mountain and hillsides that force you to swing your flashlight about. The voice acting is well done too.

The feel of the combat and mechanics theirin are well thoughtout, developed and implimented that within minutes I felt very comfortable. It doesnt feel cumbersome or confusing. In terms of the combat system I would even go so far as to say that it's even a bit innovative. I love using the 2 stages of the flashlight to 'burn' away the shadowy armor of the baddies and then finishing them off with a shotgun. The flares take the form of a smartbomb (lol 80's refference to Defender) or nuke really helps in that oh shit moment. It's smartly designed.

There are a few different difficulty levels to choose from. I'm currently playing on Normal. There was a Nightmare difficulty level in the options menu but it was greyed out. I assume you have to beat the game first to unlock it.

There has been a nice balance between exploring and fighting so far. The balance between the two feels comfortable and similar to other games in the genre--it doesnt lean heavily either way. It has had it's white-knuckle moments too--last night (playing episode 2) I found myself fighting for my life more than once, surrounded by baddies, low on ammo and holding 1 flare. They were tense moments of action that were not frustingly cheap or out of character. The pacing is great.

I didnt detect any cheap scares. It feels better, or at the very least, on par with Dead Space in terms of scare. Strike that, I personally think (again so far, only episode 2) it's a step up, more thought out and implimented better. For the record I'm a Dead Space fan. Not a lot of "open this door and a dead bosy drops from the rafters" moments.

I like this game a lot (so far).
now on topic, assassin's creed sold well despite bad reviews
What do you mean 'bad reviews'? 83% on Metacritic is a good score! The game seems a solid entry into the genre, with considerable appeal if it clicks with you. Honestly, I've no idea where you coming from regards this game, because it just seems to be complaints and doom and gloom with you! :p

Let's not waste any time here--so far I'm really enjoying this game quite a bit. It's actually much better than what I was expecting. I say that because I never invested much time or beleif (read:hype) in Alan Wake's ability to be good. Not because I had my doubts in Remmedy, but because I didnt read or watch previews at all. I wanted to play the game fresh. I always hoped it would be good mainly because I love the survival horror genre. Now though I've only played the game for a few hours I feel comfotable saying that this is probably what the Silent Hill series should have in terms of quality, scare and ambition. I actually enjoyed the two newest Silent Hill games but they wernt as good as I hoped they would be.

In short--after completing the first episode (for those that are not aware, the game is broken up into several episodes) the first thought I had was "this is probably what a survival horror game would be like if Valve made one."

Alan Wake is a goregeous looking game. There are so many miniscule things going on that it makes if difficult not to stop in each new location to look about for minutes on end. The lighting in particular is really stunning. The water in Bioshock is to the lighting in Alan Wake--it's a character in the game. I cannot remember the last time I saw lighting used to this degree and so well. The things they're doing, technically, are jarring and--at times--hypnotic. The environments are littered with objects that are fully detailed and moveable when you bump into them. I know it sounds strange to say but the trees are the best! Weird I know, but when you see the way they move and sway in the wind it will really sink in how well they help create a sense that the forest is alive, dancing and coming after you.

The sound is goddamn amazing. It's the sublte crunching of the leaves under your feet, the whispers in the wind, the groaning of the mountain and hillsides that force you to swing your flashlight about. The voice acting is well done too.

The feel of the combat and mechanics theirin are well thoughtout, developed and implimented that within minutes I felt very comfortable. It doesnt feel cumbersome or confusing. In terms of the combat system I would even go so far as to say that it's even a bit innovative. I love using the 2 stages of the flashlight to 'burn' away the shadowy armor of the baddies and then finishing them off with a shotgun. The flares take the form of a smartbomb (lol 80's refference to Defender) or nuke really helps in that oh shit moment. It's smartly designed.

There are a few different difficulty levels to choose from. I'm currently playing on Normal. There was a Nightmare difficulty level in the options menu but it was greyed out. I assume you have to beat the game first to unlock it.

There has been a nice balance between exploring and fighting so far. The balance between the two feels comfortable and similar to other games in the genre--it doesnt lean heavily either way. It has had it's white-knuckle moments too--last night (playing episode 2) I found myself fighting for my life more than once, surrounded by baddies, low on ammo and holding 1 flare. They were tense moments of action that were not frustingly cheap or out of character. The pacing is great.

I didnt detect any cheap scares. It feels better, or at the very least, on par with Dead Space in terms of scare. Strike that, I personally think (again so far, only episode 2) it's a step up, more thought out and implimented better. For the record I'm a Dead Space fan. Not a lot of "open this door and a dead bosy drops from the rafters" moments.

I like this game a lot (so far).

thnx warcrow for the impression.

Hope remedy pr team chooses their marketing words better for sequel.
Because saying not doing bullshots,blaming tearing on recording equipment and not giving a clear answer on resolution will piss of fans.
Let's just say that Gametrailers.com's videos are definitely not a good source to judge tearing in a game.

Could be this but a lot of folks are posting picture where tearing is easily seen. I dont know could be because the fanboys are having a field day.:LOL:
Time for my impressions..dun dun ! (I'm no journalist so its obviously not as good as Warcrow's impressions :p)

Excellent Game ! I know I said I won't be playing it while I wait for my LE to arrive, but seriously the game so good & gripping that I couldn't resist...and I played 2 episodes straight away (took me 2.5 hours). The writing is really great in this game & so is the sound design/music, really gives me the creeps. While the voice acting may not be as good as other games but its convincing enough. The best part of the game are the environments they are sooooooo well done that you're just going to get sucked into the game & loose track of time just because you always want to see more & more....kudos to Remedy for getting this part spot on !

The Gameplay is good but the combat is kind of clunky imo, I started on Hard & I found some places very difficult. The game hints you in loading screens that you should just run away if you are way outnumbered but the problem is my character couldn't run for more than 10 meters & these enemies can teleport & seem to have unlimited supplies of axes to throw. Ammo supply is "just right" so any wastage means you will fall short of ammo & special items like flare gun & flares are pretty scarce for now, but atleast the game makes sure to give you plenty of batteries for your flashlight. The driving sequence is, well....laughable.

Now on to the visuals....first off, the game is a nice looker overall & the subHD resolution doesn't seem to effect it "that" much ; aliasing is surprisingly quite minimal here, shader aliasing & some aliasing on edges covered with fog/mist were probably the only cases where its obviously noticeable. Lightning,Fog & mist are great and lastly interactive foliage ! finally a console game where interactive foliage is done right. The animations for movements & facial expressions are okay at best. I must stress that the game looks extremely nice in the night sequences, switch to day sequences & the cover's blown....daytime sequences are easily the area that gets affected the most due to the low resolution.

That said the textures are really low res & specularity on metals is quite off...almost makes them look plastic.Light volumes have noisy edges, shadowing while not jagged are still poor with dithering & lots of noise/flickering and they also seem to have their LOD switch occur as soon as the player move just 3 meters from them. One thing that I'd like to mention about the lighting here is that the light volumetric are really odd in this game, most of them don't seem to create any kind of shafts if you try to block it partially with objects in environments or your playing character, till now I've seen just 1 light source in total that created shafts when I tried to partially block it. :rolleyes:

All in all an awesome game the blurry visuals will bother you for 10 minutes or so but after that you'll be so much into the game that you'll totally forget about it.
I just can't wait for my Limited Edition to arrive ! Thanks Remedy, I am a happy customer :)

P.S.[About the tearing, the game seems to tear even in places where there's nothing going on...I've seen it tear madly when I drop a flare or if I have a "healing" light source in front of me]
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I played a few days ago the game (almost 2 episodes) at a friends house at a calibrated 40" LCD Samsung 40F86 @ 1080p and the ΙQ was definitely the worst I've seen this gen on the PS360 (and I've played a lot of sub-HD games on my set which btw is the same as my friends) especially in the daytime sections...it's blurry and the low resolution destroys the details on the environments, on top of that there is constant tearing in places where light sources are strong - also the low resolution textures, jaggies and the really ugly shadowing don't help either.

Sure the lighting, fog, and the moving foliage by the wind are nice but I can't believe that they couldn't even maintain a v-synced 30fps in linear environments with such a low resolution after all this talk about working "exclusively" with the 360 hardware.

Overall I'm really disappointed by the game's graphics and mainly by the horrendous IQ...to be honest after seeing that I'm waiting for an announcement for the PC version soon, the 360 version can't be more than a dumbed down/bad port of the PC version which we may have seen running at last years 720p gameplay videos.
What do you mean 'bad reviews'? 83% on Metacritic is a good score! The game seems a solid entry into the genre, with considerable appeal if it clicks with you. Honestly, I've no idea where you coming from regards this game, because it just seems to be complaints and doom and gloom with you! :p

83% is not particularly good. You have to take into consideration of what is the mean score.

The average score for PS3 and X360 games is around 75-77%. 83% is slightly above average, and well within the first standart deviation. Its not a particularly good score, its well within the medicore range.

Do note that just because most sites say that 8\10 = good or very good or whatever, doesn't mean that 8\10 is actually good, you have to look at how the reviewer scores a game on average. If on average games get 7.7/10, then this should be considered as medicore. 8.3\10 is simply slightly better than your average title. Which is in my book, quite far away from good.

note: the average score stats are outdated as i haven't figured out where to get these stats convieniently from the redesigned site. (Im not gonna start adding things ups, before you could just hit the link called statistics and you could see all kinds of convienient averages.)
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I dont understand how people here fail to comprehend that all scores are relative??!?!?

How can you not understand that if the average score the reviewers give to a game is say 8\10. Scoring 7.5\10 is slightly worse than medicore and 8,5\10 is slightly above medicore?

It doesn't matter if you write that 8\10 to means "good", or bad or whatever. The average review score determines what the level of mediocore is.

If all X360 games get on average 77%, then its only correct to consider that 77% is MEDIOCRE. You cannot say that 77% is a good score, because at the bare minimum, good has to be better than average. As such, 83% is only slightly above mediocre. Depending on your definition of good (how much better than average) slightly above mediocre could mean good.

The score by itself means nothing, it allways has to be in relation to what all the other scores are.
If i start reviewing games, and the average reviewed game gets 90% score. And a particular game gets 91%, this is a tiny amount above medicore. The fact that 91% is close to the max score doesn't matter, because you need to look at it in relation to other games reviewed.

If an average game got 50%, then getting 80% would be very good. If the average game got 77%, getting 80% is slightly above medicore.

Example in dollars: I earn 100k USD a year. Is this good\bad\medicore\...\?
Impossible to answer without knowing what other people in the economy earns. If the average person earns 100k, my earnings are medicore. If the average person earns 20k, then my earnings are good. If the average earnings are 200k, then my income is bad.
The average score for PS3 and X360 games is around 75-77%. 83% is slightly above average, and well within the first standart deviation. Its not a particularly good score, its well within the medicore range.
Incorrect. The metascore isn't a positional score like a school grade-curve, marking out where in the relative attainments of rivals a game comes, but a measure of waht the developers ahve achieved relative to a baseline score of 0 or 10% which is a diabolical game with no redeeming qualities or artistic value whatsoever.

The typical, average score of 70% is for a good game, because a lot of hard work has gone into making it.

Do note that just because most sites say that 8\10 = good or very good or whatever, doesn't mean that 8\10 is actually good, you have to look at how the reviewer scores a game on average. If on average games get 7.7/10, then this should be considered as medicore.
You're considering scores like a distribution curve, but that's not what they are. The fact that poor games score in the 30s, and are present on Metacritic as such, shows that reviews will review poor games with low scores. Thankfully there aren't that many devs achieving such low results! A 7/10 is a game that's playable and fun but nothing special. 8/10 typically are very good for fans of the style/genre, an option for others. Games in the 90s tend to be very good regardless of particulars of taste. But even then it's all subjective.

83% places Alan Wake on the high end of average subjective considerations of all games. It's not a piece of poop like a 30%er. It's not a dull, serviceable title like a 50%er. It isn't expected to have some serious issues or lack of imagination holding it back to a 70%, and is achieving better than average appeal for players. It is a good game experience for the majority of players who have epxressed a preference.
Example in dollars: I earn 100k USD a year. Is this good\bad\medicore\...\?
That's using a relative measure, but you can also use an absolute measure in terms of your own tastes/expectations. eg. Can you afford to do all the stuff you want to do and things you want to have? If so, it's a good income irrespective of what anyone else earns.

As always , 'good' needs a specified standard to which things are being measured. You and others are taking game scores to be a relative measure, but that's not how they are intended or being used.