[360] Alan Wake - Still awake

....fans will score a token code card to download the title’s first Game Add-on at no cost only on Xbox LIVE when it becomes available later this year.

Nicely worded. So they can release a $2 costume or weapon look addon for their first one, then shortly after release a $20 large content addon but the token only applies to the first of course :D

Just being pessimistic ;)
Nicely worded. So they can release a $2 costume or weapon look addon for their first one, then shortly after release a $20 large content addon but the token only applies to the first of course :D

Just being pessimistic ;)

Ill just act like you never posted that
inbe4 2 dollar shotgun dlc:cry:
Well street Date is broken and its a no wonder that the game has been upped on Torrents.

I can play the game tomorrow itself as lot of my frnds have a modded 360 but I don't want to, as I want to play it alone at my place. Regardless this is really annoying, I wait for weeks while lot of people can already play it...some with legit copies some with backup copies. :cry:

Ah well there's always other games to play & I just got SSF4, so screw this thing for now :|
the embargo is going down in a few hours from now

The reviews wont have any impact on the mature audience of B3D. However ,good reviews usually pull in lot of customers . Just the opposite for the negative ones. Ofcourse there are exceptions i know

IGN is posting their review at 11pm Pacific time . I wonder if the EG 7/10 will have any impact on IGN's review of AW
Why are reviews so early? It isn't even out for two weeks.

MS might have hoped that positive reviews could translate into better sales. Even though we are under embargo, REMEDY would have already been informed of some/various reviews when the deadlock is broken at 11 pm tonight.The game has a chance of scoring atleast 85% at meta. Plus positive early reviews can also influence other websites into giving the game a better score.

I am quite confident that AW will score atleast an 85 at metacritic when all reviews pour in ,unless EG's review instigate other reviewers to review the game badly
Seems like Remedy is quite confident by lifting the embargo so early. Anyways I'm going to my frnds place in a few hours to see the game, wont see much...will just concentrate on the tech aspects.
the game is getting mixed reviews as expected

GR and EG have given the game 7/10

it got a few 8s and the remainders are 9s

The metacritic is 83% so thats not good . The IGN review is coming in 8 minutes
GT review should be upping any minute now...they already have a review tab in the main page but its not uploaded yet.
Watching giant bomb's quicklook right now. The lighting does look nice, especially the interplay with the fog or the clouds blowing past the moon. Really wish it was still coming for the PC.