2003 Dishonest Reporting "Award"

In January, Reuters blamed Israel for "killing" Palestinian suicide bombers:

Iraq has paid millions of dollars to families of Palestinians, including those of suicide bombers, killed by Israeli forces since the start of the uprising in September 2000.
some examples of dishonest reporting

Environmental studies where the data is falsified

the situation in Iraq where the media will refuse to pick up on anything positive that happens there. every day it is x American soldgers died

Democrats stating that jobs are being lost when in fact the opposite is true...
YeuEmMaiMai said:
Democrats stating that jobs are being lost when in fact the opposite is true...
Hrmm not so sure about that one...I am about to grauate from college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am having a really really hard time finding a job. Oh well...I have the rest of my life to work...what is a few months with no job?
YeuEmMaiMai said:
Democrats stating that jobs are being lost when in fact the opposite is true...
I'd like to see you try to argue that to all of my friends/family/neighbors who have lost their jobs. Lucky, out city is growing rather quickly so there are lots of fast food, factory, and warehouse jobs opening up....
YeuEmMaiMai said:
some examples of dishonest reporting

Environmental studies where the data is falsified

Can you be a little more specific? :)

YeuEmMaiMai said:
the situation in Iraq where the media will refuse to pick up on anything positive that happens there. every day it is x American soldgers died

I wouldn't say this is so. Look at the coverage during the war and immediately following the war. It was overwhelmingly positive because no americans had died, and there was seeming success after success after success. However, there is not much positive news happening in Iraq today. Ok we get a power plant up and running. Is that really big news in terms of tens of american soldiers dead and no weapons of mass destruction found? Not particularly.

Good news to me is when we find the Weapons of Mass Destruction, when the Iraqis hold their first democratic elections and sign a Constitution, and when we pull out.

But anyway, that's not dishonest reporting. The situation in Iraq is indeed pretty bad.

YeuEmMaiMai said:
Democrats stating that jobs are being lost when in fact the opposite is true...

3.5 Million jobs were lost over the last 3 years. Positive job growth has only occurred, finally, in the last quarter, i.e. more jobs were created than lost. So that is certainly not dishonest at all.

I also happen to know quite a few people who have lost their jobs recently, so it's not like you can say employment prospects are up up up, yet.