16 Year old kid makes renewable energy breakthrough

Top effort but...
Current and power were sustained at 25 microamps and 5.5 microwatts, respectively, beyond 48 hours at a resistance of 10 kohms.
Long way to go unfortunately before we're all using bug-batteries.
RussSchultz said:
Renewable energy from teenagers? Old news. Argon Oil and ZAZ figured that out in the 70's.
Oh, that movie was brilliant... ahh...The "Catholic School g..." segment. I remember sitting down to watch the video with my parents (who didn't know what was on it) when I was a young teenager. :D
not a big deal

Wired said:
Madiraju put the free-floating bacteria, which are essentially tiny magnets, into plastic boxes less than a fifth of a cubic inch. Metal strips on two sides act as electrodes and get them spinning, generating a magnetic field and an electric current.

And how is this different or more practical than just spinning a magnet?