Current Generation Games Analysis Technical Discussion [2024] [XBSX|S, PS5, PC]

I'm guessing Sony did that to alleviate the support (refund) issues their store was having. You then spin it slightly to say its for the good of the customers for some good will as an added bonus.

They aren't selling this directly and it would be other services that are customer facing. Would be more the equivalent of say Steam removing the game because they are getting too many refund requests (it actually costs money to process refunds, so even digital stores lose money per refund).
They released 3 games last year alone. The year just started and here is another. TLOU 2 comes out in a couple months as well. They only have 55 employees.
I had no idea they've done so many games! Crazy!
Now they are owned wholly by a corporation with no sense of responsibility or morality they will be consumed whole, and their work will reflect that.

The sooner we understand that huge companies, or their subsidiaries, don't give a fuck about us or our experiences or quality of life, the sooner we might able to do something - however slight - about it.
Very true. A big company like Sony could easily afford to give them more time or hire more people but they only think of the bottom line.
How can Sony allow this to release in such state after removing CP77 from the store for the same reasons ?
To be fair, only after everyone complained and huge media coverage how broken it was.

They released 3 games last year alone. The year just started and here is another. TLOU 2 comes out in a couple months as well. They only have 55 employees.
They used to have/take 6 months per port.
See if I can find the exact clip but in last weeks DF Direct Alex mentioned Nixxes basically "emulating" the PS5's API for some of their PC ports.
There is indeed a presentation on this ->
"Mission: Importable - Ghost of Tsushima PC Postmortem"
So we see it's a less-than-ideal use of PC, but a port system that produces okay results within a workable budget. And there lies the problem. Porting games without PC versions from the off where the PS5 is highly optimised is hard, and basically too costly (at least for Sony's willingness to invest). Once games become multiplatform from the offset, this should be a very different situation.
So we see it's a less-than-ideal use of PC, but a port system that produces okay results within a workable budget. And there lies the problem. Porting games without PC versions from the off where the PS5 is highly optimised is hard, and basically too costly (at least for Sony's willingness to invest). Once games become multiplatform from the offset, this should be a very different situation.
Multiplatform from the offset means no more higly optimisation for a specific hw and killing benefits of console existence in first place, not so good idea for sony 😁
Multiplatform from the offset means no more higly optimisation for a specific hw and killing benefits of console existence in first place, not so good idea for sony 😁
Not necessarily. A degree of optimisation might be lost, but in designing solutions you can keep an eye on two targets and pick something that'll work well for both, rather than ideally for one and hopelessly for the other.
(Edit: This is called a 'compromise' but I don't think people these days know what that is :mrgreen:)

Even then, if PS consoles lose 10% performance due to software inefficiencies, that's not going to affect hardware sales. Game will have a little less detail and resolution than otherwise, but people aren't going to swap to PC as as result. It'll just mean best returns on software development costs, more money from PC and no less money from consoles.
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It'll just mean best returns on software development costs, more money from PC and no less money from consoles.
Time and development costs will for sure also increase in this approach. Its great strategy for 3rd party publisher and rather suicidal for console producer but sony in this generation make so many mistakes that wouldnt be surprise it will be the case.
Time and development costs will for sure also increase in this approach. Its great strategy for 3rd party publisher and rather suicidal for console producer but sony in this generation make so many mistakes that wouldnt be surprise it will be the case.
Right but you more than double your userbase, for slight increase in dev costs. PC ports are almost always shitty so most time is spend on PS version anyway. I dont see how this will hurt console producers as console userbase is shrinking and PC userbase is growing. We all know they dont make proffits from console sales but software ecosystem. It is the future if the dev costs remain as high as they are today, or we will be back to AA games with 50m budgets tops.
Right but you more than double your userbase, for slight increase in dev costs. PC ports are almost always shitty so most time is spend on PS version anyway. I dont see how this will hurt console producers as console userbase is shrinking and PC userbase is growing. We all know they dont make proffits from console sales but software ecosystem. It is the future if the dev costs remain as high as they are today, or we will be back to AA games with 50m budgets tops.
Ok so tought experiment. Nintendo starting realeasing Zelda and Mario games on pc, would be good for them or kiss of death as a console producer ? Sony already did mistake and going further making game from begining multiplatform in mind is digging hole further. Microsoft went that way years ago and in 2025 just become 3rd party publisher and made xbox hardware irrelevant. Tough they have gamepass ecosystem and windows so for them is probably good direction. Nintendo and Sony going this way is basicaly becoming Sega.
Ok so tought experiment. Nintendo starting realeasing Zelda and Mario games on pc, would be good for them or kiss of death as a console producer ? Sony already did mistake and going further making game from begining multiplatform in mind is digging hole further. Microsoft went that way years ago and in 2025 just become 3rd party publisher and made xbox hardware irrelevant. Tough they have gamepass ecosystem and windows so for them is probably good direction. Nintendo and Sony going this way is basicaly becoming Sega.
I would buy both Zelda and Mario on PC, and i will never buy nintendo console. I havent played nintendo game since GC. They dont get any of my money. Is it good for them? There will always be people who want small factor device, just becouse a game is on many devices dosent mean that everybody will immiadietly drop the console and switch to PC. They need to go this way becouse young generation is growing up using phones, tablets, VRs, cloud and PCs. In the end they will chose platform where their friends are or the best experience you can get. I dont think realseing games on many platform is bad for anyone, they can do it as a time exclusive in case for Sony (fuck nintendo).
Right but you more than double your userbase, for slight increase in dev costs. PC ports are almost always shitty so most time is spend on PS version anyway. I dont see how this will hurt console producers as console userbase is shrinking and PC userbase is growing. We all know they dont make proffits from console sales but software ecosystem. It is the future if the dev costs remain as high as they are today, or we will be back to AA games with 50m budgets tops.
If you are releasing games months or years later on PC I doubt it doubles sales, though. And having a PC version require more powerful hardware to run well only reinforces that your console is punching above it's weight.

I would buy both Zelda and Mario on PC, and i will never buy nintendo console.
I'm curious, why?
If you are releasing games months or years later on PC I doubt it doubles sales, though. And having a PC version require more powerful hardware to run well only reinforces that your console is punching above it's weight.

I'm curious, why?
So niny seems to be producing always underpowered consoles, main selling point is some kind of gimmick with them. Wii was fancy controllers ass gfx, switch is portability weak hw, DS portbale + fake 3d weak hw. I like good gfx i want my games to look good, i think nintendo games look and play great on nintendo but there is to little of them for me to justify purchase. All 3rd party games often underwhelm on nintendo consoles. I dont feel like i am traget audience for their HW.
But i have to admin that nintendo can create amazing games that "exaplain" why they build the hw the way is build, if this make sense, and sometimes i feel that only nintendo understands what makes a good and fun game. Ninny games have this feeling that no other games have.