I gave up on the Resident Evil series...


Yes. I thesaunderschild said cheerio to them; I sold them off while I was skint.

I just lost full interest in the franchise. It got too convoluted, not to mention diluted. But I grew tired of Capcom abandoning storylines, then repeating a lot of things, like by always covering what happened in Raccoon City. Since the city was destroyed in the original RE3, I just really fail to see the point in anybody rehashing that concept, and again and again it occurs.

To me, it felt like they became a one trick pony over there at Capcom. But I honestly cannot stand titles such as RE4. It is a really great game for the action, but all in all, it's rather daft in terms of the ideas. Like having this merchant being able to set up his shop everywhere.

While I understand the game's major appeal, it feels like 'the beginning of the end' of the genuine RE lore to me, for some reason. But I cannot say I totally detest it. Although I'm sure you understand why I kind of hate what it started.

But yeah. There are a lot of storylines they begin, that goes nowhere. For example, Alex Wesker took over the girl, who was adopted by Barry Burton. Why have Capcom never followed up on that? The same with Billy Coen. We never truly found out if he ordered the Africans to be shot. You cannot even see him in the cutscene where this act occurs. So, there is no way to know for sure as to whether he is guilty or was framed as the scapegoat.

Well, what helped to make up my mind about Capcom was when they came out and kind of admitted they made Nemesis into some idiotic monster, due to the apparent feedback about Mr. X being this annoying stalker enemy that infuriated certain gamers. So Nemesis, who is meant to be the tougher boss, was ruined.

Then they made out RE7 was too scary, so RE8 had more action. Which I thought was pretty much a lie, but the Ethan character had no visible face. Because a lot of people into RE from the start were tired of the action focused efforts they had been releasing between 2005 and 2012, and felt the horror appeal needed to return, which RE7 did quite well. But once they have their wish granted, they seemingly change their mind.

Even playing RE2, it was a jarring experience. The zombies could be shot in the head several times. Your gun was crap, as they just grabbed you way too easily. They also didn't make the B scenario really much of anything. The game was decent, I suppose, but it was an opportunity they squandered.

To be honest, RE fanboys have wrecked the series. All Capcom are gonna be doing is remakes with tons of cut content that appeals to casuals who hate hard gameplay, or doing weird sequels with bad writing. Because I honestly thought RE8 was a sad entry in the series.

The fact they tried to copy the world of Silent Hill with scary inanimate figures following you in the dark rooms was a clear indication they were just ripping off Konami. Even the camera perspective in the house gave it away. At least before they added in the third person option.

With all of that said, this is just my opinions. Surely I'm not alone, though. But some of the spin off media like that woke Netflix series was just the dumbest waste of money to date. But it doesn't surprise me anymore.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts. I wanna be on Team Real for RE. The thing is, it just gets milked too much, which is evident from all the times they take the plot back to 1998, or sometimes other time periods.
The only one I've completed was Village and I liked that. I have Revelations but it didn't grab me so only played about 30minutes of it
I spend my time now watching horror stuff on Prime. There's so much to select, it's crazy. But it really has been a blast thus far.

I feel like Capcom's recent blue Umbrella storyline is just a hook to keep people buying every new game, so they can churn out half a dozen more games before the olive branch even reaches anybody. This is the thing. The storylines just come across as being overly inconclusive.

Every storyline seems to finish up with no questions answered. They then do another game that takes place in a different region. But this is basically why I find it annoying to follow along.

They bring back characters like Chris, then seem to gloss over everything in the prior entry, leading to you believing they're just making up anything for the sake of having a new game every few years. So I keep seeing a pattern with things being inserted, but these plot aspects just never add up logically.

Maybe I just take it too seriously. But I suspect they just keep it going as a cash cow.
To be honest, RE fanboys have wrecked the series. All Capcom are gonna be doing is remakes with tons of cut content that appeals to casuals who hate hard gameplay, or doing weird sequels with bad writing. Because I honestly thought RE8 was a sad entry in the series.

The fact they tried to copy the world of Silent Hill with scary inanimate figures following you in the dark rooms was a clear indication they were just ripping off Konami. Even the camera perspective in the house gave it away. At least before they added in the third person option.

With all of that said, this is just my opinions. Surely I'm not alone, though. But some of the spin off media like that woke Netflix series was just the dumbest waste of money to date. But it doesn't surprise me anymore.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts. I wanna be on Team Real for RE. The thing is, it just gets milked too much, which is evident from all the times they take the plot back to 1998, or sometimes other time periods.
Who the hell plays Resident Evil games for any kind of serious story or cares that much about logical consistencies? lol

But I guess we cant expect much from somebody who uses the word 'woke' to complain about black people and women having prominent roles in media.
Resident Evil is certainly not substantial. One Cyberpunk 2077 game has so much more to say to the player than all the Resident Evil games put together.
Who the hell plays Resident Evil games for any kind of serious story or cares that much about logical consistencies? lol

But I guess we cant expect much from somebody who uses the word 'woke' to complain about black people and women having prominent roles in media.

Wesker wasn't a black man to begin with. So Lance Reddick wasn't even right for the part. But he was a great actor in the films he starred in, so it's not like I hate him just over his skin tone.

Would it make sense if Sheva and Josh in RE5 were in a new movie adaptation of that game, with white Hollywood stars portraying them? Nope.
Resident Evil is certainly not substantial. One Cyberpunk 2077 game has so much more to say to the player than all the Resident Evil games put together.
Gotta love a cyberpunk game about the evils of capitalism done by a publicly owned company who lied about the state of the game and then released it before it was in any condition to be released all cuz some bean counters figured that delaying it any longer would be financially disadvantageous to the wild profits they were expecting.
Just so you know, if the Korean-born character Glenn Rhee in The Walking Dead was re-cast in a game or something, and he was suddenly made Irish, that would be as equally stupid. So that's all I was trying to say in regards to Wesker's unnecessary race swap.
Wesker wasn't a black man to begin with. So Lance Reddick wasn't even right for the part. But he was a great actor in the films he starred in, so it's not like I hate him just over his skin tone.

Would it make sense if Sheva and Josh in RE5 were in a new movie adaptation of that game, with white Hollywood stars portraying them? Nope.
Media is littered with minority characters getting cast with white people and the anti-woke mob never shows up to complain about it. It's like, literally a whole thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewashing_in_film

Let's not play silly games. We all know what the 'anti woke' people are up to when they complain about this stuff.

A recent example is the new Lord of the Rings TV show, which was deemed 'woke garbage' due to having a black elf, yet literally not one of these people's complaints mentioned anything about having all these white people as Harfoots(the hobbits in the show) despite Tolkien describing them as dark skinned.

Reddick as Wesker was genuinely one of the best parts of the lackluster RE show, whose issues literally have nothing to do with the color of the cast.
Is "woke" a racist word?

Again, the many issues with the Resident Evil Netflix show have nothing to do with the color or gender of any of the cast whatsoever. Reddick was great, and was one of the few highlights of the show.

And no, 'woke' isn't a racist word. It's just a word used almost exclusively by bigots of some sort or another in lieu of being able to state outright that they dont like diversity.
This thing about forced "diversity" and calling anyone who have an opinion an "anti woke" or "conservatist" bigot is just as bigotry as conservatists complaining whenever they see a black person having a prominent role.

There is a grey area but everyone wants to fall in either black or white. Either a bigot conservatist or a bigot liberal.

For example, having a black dude playing Achilles, an ancient Greek figure in Troy: Fall of a City was idiotic. It's like having a white blond German playing as Martin Luther King.

A woman of color playing a mermaid, well not much of a deal. But it would have been weird to see Poseidon as a black dude, for the same reason it would have been insulting to see African deities from the Yarumba religion portrayed as white.

About Wesker, he may be an imaginary character, but his trademark looks have been established and engraved in our minds. I didn't like seeing him as black and it has nothing to do with anti wokeness. It's for the same reason I won't like seeing Blade being portrayed as a white dude.
My words exactly.

Like I said, if he had been black to begin with and Hollywood made him white, I'd be saying that was wrong too. The character simply is not that race.

Black. White. Pink. Orange. Who cares? One is allowed to say it's not on par with the source material, and RE is a household franchise. Obviously so many fans are gonna think it's strange. As has been proven.

In one of the lame Alone in the Dark movies, Edward Carnby (an American detective) was played by a Korean. Can you see why that doesn't feel right?

But as for the topic as a whole...

Capcom needs to stop copying other games. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 steals a lot from The Last of Us. And mannequins being in RE8 was really, really bizarre.
I'm the opposite. The controls nor the camera viewpoint never really bothered me. I just think RE stopped being scary after they gradually made it into a shooter series. It did seem interesting and creepy again with RE7, even though I'm not overly keen on it as a whole. They did at least try to restore the roots of the series by reinstating the survival horror vibes. But RE8 just rendered it pointless. And I honestly thought they were trying to imitate RE4 too much, as Ethan's journey is too similar to Leon's.

I thought RE4 was scary in 2005 because the castle and the factory are the highlights of that game. The rest is just a load of monotony. Shooting and looting. To me, that was when the franchise went full on cheesy with the dialogue, but I still find any RE game can have enjoyment. They just kind of sold out because they claimed their sales numbers were becoming too low.

Some say CV started the cheesy route, but I felt like CV was still a lot like a standard RE game, unlike 4. Just that Capcom set it on an island, and in Antarctica for the latter half of the game. CV is generally very atmospheric. The save room music is quite relaxing as well.

But when Capcom listens to low level fans saying a game is "too scary" and "Mr. X is too annoying" and whatnot, I think Capcom is catering their products to the Fortnite community instead of the demographic who were loyal from the start.
*sigh* I REALLY hope this forum doesn't become a place where we start arguing about politics in games.

As for RE, it's one of my favorite gaming franchises of all time. I think the remakes have all been great. RE7 was a nice change and helped revitalize the series in a positive way. RE8 was a bit lackluster for sure, but I don't blame them for trying something different and committing to it for a couple of games. I prefer 3rd person RE ala RE2/3/4 Remakes over 1st person however.. but the best RE game of all time, and one of the best games of all time period, is RE1 Remake. Classic survival horror is one of my favorite genres.. but I DO agree with some of the points made in this thread about plotlines not reaching satisfying conclusions and Capcom seemingly not knowing where to go with them. It's understandable how some people would feel that way.