GPU Ray Tracing Performance Comparisons [2021-2022]

RT benchmarks at lower resolutions will likely show a bigger difference from now on.

Cyberpunk 2077 is our second RT benchmark, showing how RT performance can add even more load to the CPU and cause CPU bottlenecking in some scenarios. This result shows some of the starkest differences yet between our 12th-gen Intel and AMD CPUs, with the 12900K claiming the top spot with a 113fps average at 1080p.

That's 13 percent faster than the 12600K, and a whopping 45 percent faster than the 5950X.:oops: It's similarly divided at 1440p; only at 4K do we see the Intel chips coalesce at 75fps and the AMD ones at 70fps.
ForzaTech engine seems stuck at forward rendering, that means further Forza title will not support RT either unless Turn10 rework their rendering engine..
ForzaTech engine seems stuck at forward rendering, that means further Forza title will not support RT either unless Turn10 rework their rendering engine..
Well, the upcoming Forza Motorsport is supposed to support RT, but we don't know at what capacity yet. Could be the same thing as FH5 and just during Forzavista/garage sections... which would be a giant shame.

But yea, they're going to have to update/make a new engine sooner or later.
ForzaTech engine seems stuck at forward rendering, that means further Forza title will not support RT either unless Turn10 rework their rendering engine..

You can do forward rendering with ray tracing like Doom Eternal recently showed us ...

Doing ray tracing with deferred rendering might be more optimal if you can specialize your ray tracing shaders for lower register consumption but that's just a property specific to deferred renderers in general since you can split any shaders in this pipeline ...
You can do forward rendering with ray tracing like Doom Eternal recently showed us ...

Doing ray tracing with deferred rendering might be more optimal if you can specialize your ray tracing shaders for lower register consumption but that's just a property specific to deferred renderers in general since you can split any shaders in this pipeline ...

Didn't know that Doom Eternal using forward rendering.
Possibly they're using simple rayquery for retrieve reflected image in conventional material shader. Oh, then Forza can do the same thing at least for the car and water reflection which doesn't need denoising..
Didn't know that Doom Eternal using forward rendering.
Possibly they're using simple rayquery for retrieve reflected image in conventional material shader. Oh, then Forza can do the same thing at least for the car and water reflection which doesn't need denoising..
They do RT in photo mode just fine. It's a performance consideration not to include it into gameplay for sure. Ray Tracing as a First-class Citizen in Frostbite_1635789738069001CWLo.pdf

Ray Tracing as a first-class citizen in Frostbite

There are some interesting RTAO stuffs out there related to what we discussed a few days ago..

Very cool. They’re using a custom intersection shader for their procedurally generated terrain.

Terrain is a procedural surface built from a heightfield stored in a Virtual Texture.

Alternative to triangle data, DXR can build BLASes for bounding box data. This incurs the use of an additional shader-stage called the Intersection Shader.

In the intersection shader we can do coarse heightfield intersection to return a hit position.
Makes you wonder why stop at RTAO for PC version though. The implementation seems robust enough to provide other uses for RT in the engine.

RTAO is really lite in terms of performance impact. Baseline performance seems a bit low though:


60 fps on a 3090 in 1080p?
Or does "consumer hardware" means "slower than 3090" here?
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Yes, backs up what I was saying about RTAO just a few days ago. Looks like a 10-15% performance cost.

Is ray tracing part of the beta?
Makes you wonder why stop at RTAO for PC version though. The implementation seems robust enough to provide other uses for RT in the engine.

They're making a few compromises (low frequency BLAS updates, no BVH updates for off-screen geometry) that may break other RT use cases like shadows. So the general structure is there but they would have to do some more work and of course performance would take a hit. Maybe they don't expect BF2042 to still be around when faster RT hardware comes to market. The shelf life of BF games is pretty short these days compared to something like CP2077.
They're making a few compromises (low frequency BLAS updates, no BVH updates for off-screen geometry) that may break other RT use cases like shadows. So the general structure is there but they would have to do some more work and of course performance would take a hit. Maybe they don't expect BF2042 to still be around when faster RT hardware comes to market. The shelf life of BF games is pretty short these days compared to something like CP2077.

I hope your last sentence was an attempt at sarcasm...