Only a very sick and twisted individual could think TO is more of a game than BF.#2 is a good place for Battlefront. It's MP focus gave it only the opportunity to showcase crazy environments, while Order was the full "game package" with tons of different environments, characters, char interactions, cinematics, etc. [Plus, Order is indeed a visually better game.]
I agree with TO in #1 as well. In comparison to BF:
Better material shaders (best use of PBR so far in real-time in a game. Paper shader alone in TO is more complex than anything in BF)
Better character models (rendering and polys)
Both use baked lighting techniques
TO is using better/more expensive AA than BF, handles aliasing much better in stills & motion (cleanest looking game in 2015)
Better animation etc.
Both offer very little interactivity with the environment but both look great for what they do and both offer great performance. Very deserved #1/#2 imo.
The decision on the aspect ratio for The Order was made long before the PS4 specs were even defined - it was made most definitely for artistic reasons (it is clear some people have an issue with that decision, and I certainly respect that, all I am stating is that it was deliberate to achieve a specific visual style).
Are there performance benefits to it? Of course - fewer pixels need to be rendered! The benefit, however, is relatively small because the biggest offenders when it comes to taxing the GPU are not typically related to fill rate (not in our case, at least). In the PS3 days, which was very fill rate bound, the benefit of the black bars would have been much bigger, with the PS4 not as much.
I would say that a version of TO without the black bars would have been pretty much indistinguishable from the version shipped, as far as performance/image quality are concerned (different story artistically, of course). A few tweaks here and there with certain dynamic effects would have been all the adjustment needed.
By having a tiny FOV.It doesn't need to, TO makes great use of the super-wide aspect ratio.
By having a tiny FOV.
It's ~90 degrees, healthy for a console shooter.By having a tiny FOV.