Battlefield 3 announced

BF2 kind of had a similar problem. Some of the rewards required ridiculous feats, like repairing 40 vehicles in one round, which is nearly impossible during the course of normal gameplay. It had the effect of encouraging some people to not even play the game and instead do all kinds of ridiculous things like park a jeep halfway into the water so it took damage and then repaired it for the whole match. Certainly doesn't help the team.

People use to make specific servers for farming stats such as "knives only" "pistols only" etc... It was pretty lame. I expect the same from BF3 based on DICE comments.

Don't know if posted before, but the animations and thr transitions between them look so damn real ! Its so smooth !!!

This game will need to incorporate a system of penalties for players doing excessive vandalism. Otherwise I'm sure there will be trolls who will join games purely for demolitions.
It's a fairly good strategy on some of the bigger maps in BC2 to sit back in a tank and bomb the enemy position into oblivion. I can't fathom why you'd want players to be punished for that.
It's a fairly good strategy on some of the bigger maps in BC2 to sit back in a tank and bomb the enemy position into oblivion. I can't fathom why you'd want players to be punished for that.
Yup, in multiplayer theres no need for penalties unless there's ability play longer campaings.

For singleplayer though, penalties for destruction of important structures would be very interesting.
IE, you would destroy bridge to take out some tanks and couple of missions further you do not get backup because of that etc. :)
I just hope they give foot soldiers some reasonable capability to shoot them down, so you don't have to rely on having a jet jockey on your team to take them out. Fuck I hate jets.