New GTA 4 screens

why do I see blury textures?????:???:
Because the screenshots are from the yet unannounced Wii version ;)
No, seriously. The GTA games have never been known for good, crisp textures, I think those in the screenshots look about what I expect of a this gen GTA game. It could be for thesame reason you see an angular steering wheel, or polygon edges all over objects that are supposed to be round.
Also, it could be part of the "cartoony" look and thus an art direction choice :)
I'm pretty sure that they're trying to show the LOD from angles that are impossible. You can't ever see the main character's hands from that angle when driving and he had individual fingers in the last screens.
Its been up on the main site for quite awhile now(though takes awhile to get thru the page).

Meh, nothing special. Great that we get new "footage" of the game, but personally for me, nothing jawdropping or hype raising :|
I can't help but think there is no way in hell this game is going to be as popular as the previous games.

I am a huge GTA fan. Played every single game extensively. And GTA4 is probably going to be a great game. But just looking at this video I can't help but feel that some of that special magic is missing. It's almost like they are taking themselves too seriously now.

One of the main things I loved about GTA was that it was basically a satire of real life. All those tongue in cheek jokes, pop culture references, caricatures, stereotypes etc. Where did all of that go?

It seems they are taking a totally different direction now. It seems they are going for gritty and realistic. And I don't think that is going to strike a chord in as many people as the previous ones did.
Personally, to me the main draw of a "next gen" GTA game is not the missions or minigames, but just to cruise around the new, detailed environment and listen to the radio channels. I will be doing the missions, but just so I get access to better stuff.
I got pretty much enough of the gameplay aspect with Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories and the two PSP games, so I'm kinda bored to do those similar missions all over again.
Hopefully GTA4 has something new to offer in gameplay too.
Still, GTA4 is among my top 5 most anticipated games list, GTA's are now more of a "chillout experience" to me than games.
I think they're going to change the gameplay a lot. They said you can't really do the whole carry your gun around everywhere in public and shoot people stuff cause the cops are more aggressive. somebody made this gif.

I think they're going to change the gameplay a lot. They said you can't really do the whole carry your gun around everywhere in public and shoot people stuff cause the cops are more aggressive. somebody made this gif.

Animated GIF?!? The rules people! The rules!

Without the rules, we are no better than NeoGAF
The games overall graphics seems… :|

Yet seeing a very "old school" single texture for fingers instead of fully developed individual polygon fingers, makes me want to ... :mad:
Hopefully this time around the AI won't be the equivilent of water balloons with legs, ready to be splattered at will across your windshield. The AI was incredibly stupid in every GTA game I ever played.

somebody made this list of features that they speculated off this trailer:

1. You can open car trunks - we already knew this - but it seems that you can store weapons in there.
2. Cops don't swarm after you and instantly know where you are. You have to be seen in order to be chased after authorities. They also use actual tactics now, such as splitting up into teams.
3. You can now rob banks at your leisure.
4. You can now kick down doors. This is good news, because you may find some useful hideouts while on the run from the cops.
5. You can now see the road behind you via rear view mirrors.
6. Environments are more interactive. Anyone who has spent considerable time with the past 3d games know that they have gas stations. You could blow them up with a simple shotgun shot, but now, you can simply send a car into them. Real time car damage is also included.

I'd definitely buy it if it has these things. Older ones are fun in short bursts but this would make a lot better sandbox game.
Makes me wonder if the PS3 version evens exist. :???:

Sony’s David Karraker stated that Rockstar refused to send a GTA IV video to show at E3 for the PS3.

this was the reason why there was no GTA IV video during the Sony press conference or anywhere to be found for that matter in terms of hyping up the release of the huge game this October. Sony requested a video from Rockstar as well as many other publishers.

Karraker stated though that Rockstar did not send them a thing.
Well they did the same to MS no?? That's why they showed the same old trailer that had been sitting on XBLive for a week already??

So it was the same trailer!? I haven’t been on XBLive in quite sometime to see. I thought it was all new exclusive footage directly from the Xbox 360.