Ken "Crazy" Kutaragi is at it again!


What does Ken think about the competition?

Last week Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi delivered the keynote address at the 2006 Tokyo Game Show. As usual, he appeared confident, laying out his long-term vision for how the PlayStation 3 will take over many functions traditionally performed by the PC.

As for the PlayStation 3 launch, Kutaragi let Sony Computer Entertainment America president Kaz Hirai lay down the nuts and bolts in a video interview with GameSpot. However, the so-called "Father of the PlayStation," whose English is limited, did speak very briefly with British trade magazine MCV about the looming next-gen conflict.

When asked his opinion of the PS3's competitors, Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii, Kutaragi was blunt. "We don't care," he flatly told the trade.

But while he was confident about the PS3's chances, the executive also admitted that the console's launch was not exactly going according to plan. "Right now...we can't manufacture enough blue laser diodes for our PlayStation 3s," he said, "But we will resolve that."

Blu-ray diode production problems pushed back the PS3's European launch to March 2007. The console is still set to go on sale in Japan November 11 and in North America November 17. However, its day-one inventory has been drastically cut from 2 million units to just 100,000 units in Japan and 400,000 units in the US and Canada.

Well MS took a bit of that same attitude when launching the first Xbox... He's right to a degree. While it's a good idea to pay attention to what your competition is doing, you really shouldn't obsess over it to the point of being completely reactionary.
Heh heh... give him a break. The interview was conducted in English. People should interview him in Japanese.
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Oh... I inferred that the interview was in English here

However, the so-called "Father of the PlayStation," whose English is limited, did speak very briefly with British trade magazine MCV about the looming next-gen conflict.

Ken does not seem to have a good command of English.
>>When asked his opinion of the PS3's competitors, Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii, Kutaragi was blunt. "We don't care," he flatly told the trade>>

Depakote classaction
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Heh heh... give him a break. The interview was conducted in English. People should interview him in Japanese.

Then the interviewer would sound "Krazy" and Ken would sound normal, where would the fun in that be? ;)
Maybe some people still find it funny that a non-english guy can't speak perfect english? Beats me...

Ken might be a bit loopy and sometimes disconnected with reality (that's the best i could come up with), but i'd challenge anyone to do what he has done in the last decade.

About that "don't care" comment, it's just a mixture of PR and... more PR... He's trying to build a facade of a company that will never get hurt by the competition because they're "so much above them". Needless to say, if that was really their attitude (and it isn't or he wouldn't have cut the 20GB PS3 price already, among other things), it would come back to bite their asses big time. Thankfully he's just talking crap.

Of course Sony care about MS and Ninty.
Everytime I see this kind of posts (not of any interest or whatsoever...What would you like him to say : Man! We are fu**** up! Microsoft will sure win this round! ???), i feel that some usual suspects manage somehow to gather these articles, expecting to throw them around in case Sony loses at the end of the gen. "If he weren't so arrogant, they could have done a better job! Good for him!"... :LOL:
i feel that some usual suspects manage somehow to gather these articles, expecting to throw them around in case Sony loses at the end of the gen. "If he weren't so arrogant, they could have done a better job! Good for him!"... :LOL:

Well i suggest that you do atleast some research before making claims like that.
I mean Sankari is definately not putting Sony down that's for sure.
The Sony "attitude" has been "I don't care" for a long time when it comes to console competitors.
I think Phil Harrison has said the same thing, but with words like "I have no concerns about the competition.."

Seems to be pretty much the company line when it comes to questions about the competitors.

Should they say "We're shit scared of xbox! They'll pwn uS!!" just to please those who blame them "arrogant"?

The "I don't care" and "We are not moved by what our competitors do, we stick to our original plans" comments are just that basic PR talk, keep investors calm.
The Sony "attitude" has been "I don't care" for a long time when it comes to console competitors.
I think Phil Harrison has said the same thing, but with words like "I have no concerns about the competition.."

"Speaking to trade magazine MCV, Phil Harrison, Sony's VP of studios has dismissed the DS as a "gimmick", stating that "The idea of a handheld rivalry with Nintendo is an irrelevance; those formats don't appear in our planning. It's not a fair comparison; not fair on them, I should stress. That sounds arrogant, maybe, but it's the truth."

That one worked soooooo well... There is a fine line between being confident in your own product and sheer arrogance. Many Sony reps have crossed this line more than a few times.
What exactly is Ken Kutaragu "at" in this article? You said he's "at it again", but I don't see anything like that. This seems more like a waste of thread space more than anything.
I ain't downplaying Ken here if people seem to believe so. IMO he shouldn't care about anyone else but theyr own users. That being said this is obviously just PR and they will obviously keep an eye out for the competition.

As for what ken is doing again? Talking crazy! According to some people atleast. ;)