Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

:( im in dire need of etheric light.

IB is too time consuming, Nightfall never give me one, PoE is too tedious and risky to be played solo.

In general I agree about IB but if you didn't notice they changed the progress speed with the HoW update. No comparison to the grind of before and what's important you can also manage that with 3 characters. I'll get my 2 remaining characters to lv5 today and I've played quite relaxed. After you get at least one character to lv3 it then speeds up every other character.

The only issue is that they should allow people to buy as many EL as they can afford than just the 2 per character.
they need to change it more. Its still really tedious. Doing PoE with full fireteam is much faster. unfortunately PoE did not have matchmaing. blergh
Played 32 POE again to help out friends and guess what I got: one, I repeat ONE strange coin and a few motes of light !!! I know I don't have a key but two chests after almost 2 hours of slog consisting of two disconnections contain ONE STRANGE COIN!!!!! :rolleyes:
Ha ha ha at least you can PoE. My PS plus expired so I can't. I have been living with trial accounts for a week now, now too lazy to make new account
@RenegadeRocks i did not like diablo :( too complicated. I prefer dumb simple stuff like destiny (fill the meter, be legend) and witcher (i ignored upgrades, alchemy, craftiing, etc lol)
@RenegadeRocks i did not like diablo :( too complicated. I prefer dumb simple stuff like destiny (fill the meter, be legend) and witcher (i ignored upgrades, alchemy, craftiing, etc lol)
Diablo is much simpler in design than Destiny. Most accessible rpg ever., In fact it is the game non-gamers like the most. Nothing to choose, all is predefined. just press buttons and be legend :) !
Played 32 POE again to help out friends and guess what I got: one, I repeat ONE strange coin and a few motes of light !!! I know I don't have a key but two chests after almost 2 hours of slog consisting of two disconnections contain ONE STRANGE COIN!!!!! :rolleyes:

It took you two hours to do POE 32?? That should take 15-20 minutes....

It's akin to the weekly heroic or something, you just dash through it.

they need to change it more. Its still really tedious. Doing PoE with full fireteam is much faster. unfortunately PoE did not have matchmaing. blergh

Why not LFG?
It took you two hours to do POE 32?? That should take 15-20 minutes....

It's akin to the weekly heroic or something, you just dash through it.

Why not LFG?
Because Destiny! For your level 34 character it might be a cake but My level makes my attacks ineffective even if I aim at the head. Destiny says my weapons are not maxed out so my skill just doesn't matter. I remember I was once thrown out of the Crota raid, when I asked the guy, he bluntly said "you are bad!" And I was using my level 29 hunter, of course I am ineffective no matter what I do !!!!
I know its an RPG and its supposed to be like that but then other RPGs do not ask you to play like a skill centric action game anyway and avoid this frustration of doing your best in twitch and aim skills and yet failing gloriously because the game thinks u should not succeed ! :rolleyes:

When I am 34, I am sure the game will let me steamroll through it too ! But until then its a slog !
How do you go LFG? I invite random people to help me, but people are too high to bother. Most everyone is 32-34 and I'm 26.
Well, I ignore random invites because I don't know what these players actually want and because I'm on my own daily Destiny "work out" plan(ridiculous, right?:). If these people would just message before what they want I would actually consider it and you could have a short conversation where you could tell the other player that you need to switch weapons first. Just normal micro manage stuff I do before any special activity like NF/W30/Crucible.

It has nothing to do with "too high" in my eyes.

Yesterday I've even slaved through a silly PoE28 in a 2 man team and we died far too often at certain stages. Usually I run through that with 0-1 deaths as a Striker in a full team. Had to switch to a Defender because it felt more like I was playing alone(>300 kills vs 80 something).
Because Destiny! For your level 34 character it might be a cake but My level makes my attacks ineffective even if I aim at the head. Destiny says my weapons are not maxed out so my skill just doesn't matter. I remember I was once thrown out of the Crota raid, when I asked the guy, he bluntly said "you are bad!" And I was using my level 29 hunter, of course I am ineffective no matter what I do !!!!
I know its an RPG and its supposed to be like that but then other RPGs do not ask you to play like a skill centric action game anyway and avoid this frustration of doing your best in twitch and aim skills and yet failing gloriously because the game thinks u should not succeed ! :rolleyes:

When I am 34, I am sure the game will let me steamroll through it too ! But until then its a slog !

Destiny levels dont work that way, as far as I know you basically only need to be the same level or higher than the activity to not be at a disadvantage. 32 or 34 level should not matter much on a level 32 activity (similarly for example, I frequently run nightfalls with armor I'm leveling that may make me a 33 or so, even though of course I can be 34, without any care or trouble).

I might run a 32 poe as a 32 just to double verify though.
Yes, but I was 31, and that puts one at a serious disadvantage if I am not wrong. And 34s breeze through it, not just because of attacks but also the defence rating being higher.
Now I am 33, should be easier today. I have to do it now to get them pants!
Today I got a lot, 3 legendary weapons and one exotic weapon=4 out of which two were the ones I already had, but still loot rates are much much higher now. Ever since HOW I have been finding legendary engrams on field, something I had never seen before...never.
Couldn't play POE as friends couldn't login to Psn. Played some crucible and enjoyed the new maps a lot : lot of CQC fun !
Yes, but I was 31, and that puts one at a serious disadvantage if I am not wrong. And 34s breeze through it, not just because of attacks but also the defence rating being higher.
Now I am 33, should be easier today. I have to do it now to get them pants!

I thought you had said you were 32 earlier. Yes 31 will make a disadvantage.

any difference if I use my treasure key in a 28 POE vs 32 POE?

I dont think so, doesn't matter whether 28 or 35 loot is same I think.

Today I got a lot, 3 legendary weapons and one exotic weapon=4 out of which two were the ones I already had, but still loot rates are much much higher now. Ever since HOW I have been finding legendary engrams on field, something I had never seen before...never.

I think it's just luck of the draw. I haven't gotten a purple cube in forever.

Plus sadly they're usually disappointing, as any armor I can get from a cube is irrelevant to me. A weapon could be good, but not armor, so it's at least 50% chance to be worthless.

Those token of identity's sometimes drop as purple cubes too. Also dumb IMO, as you get excited to see the purple cube only to be let down.

Reddit style I'll make a suggestion, Bungie should allow such worthless purple cube drops to be exchanged for 10k glimmer or 100 weapons parts or something.
the key on the 1st time PoE is exotic guaranteed according to rumor and my experiece. It was like that in launch weeks.

all my characters, all my poe friend got exotic.

about weapon parts.
agh that is the most annoying thing to get if you dont like farming cave/strikes. But it is the easiest to farm if you reach ToO level 8 (or whatever, when you able to buy gun from the ToO vendor)

just keep buying and dismantling
Yeah, weapon parts seem like one of the few things in the game you cant "cheat". There's just no easy mode to get them.

Even that TOO method isn't great is it? It's like 500 glimmer for a legendary=3 weapon parts right? It's still 3X better than gunsmith, 800 glimmer for a green that will dismantle to one part (occasionally two)...

Honestly they've reduced weapon parts needed enough (15 to fully upgrade a legendary instead of 32 in TDB, over half reduction) that I dont think it's a ongoing problem UNLESS you are a pvp nut and reforge a ton. In which case you are screwed. I've even managed to build my stock up to ~250 parts and that's with dabbling in occasional reforging.

Really there's pretty much no reason to upgrade ANY legendary primary that isn't elemental. Realizing things like that has helped me learn to conserve weapon parts. So pretty much if not all queens guns for example just get insta-dismantled. I realized the best way to save weapon parts is not waste them in the first place, since you get way less for dismantling something than it takes to upgrade it. Also whenever I get near 25k glimmer I buy about 10k worth of greens from the gunsmith and dismantle. I try to remember to constantly pop glimmer consumables for this reason. It's crude but WP's are precious to me. The dumbest thing is I actually use 150 marks to buy legendaries and shard them for the 3 parts now too. There's literally nothing else to do with marks.

It's funny Bungie has made like, planetary mats meaningless now. It's weird how now I wont even bother to say stop and grab a spinmetal I walk right by. Planetary mats used to be a HUGE awful bottleneck for me. And now I just walk by them. I dont know, what's the point of currencies like that if they're so easy to come by?

In that vein I dont necessarily want them to make weapon parts super abundant either, but I think they're a little too hard to come by. One simple change would fix it for me I think, just make the 250 glimmer greens the q-master sells dismantle into parts (right now they dont). That would help a lot, without making them too abundant either. Then you could farm parts at the rate of 4-8 per 1k glimmer. It would help.

I just figure up the odds going in and I'm not going to waste a ton of parts for the perfect roll, because it quickly gets into diminishing returns. I just go for the big stuff. For example reforged my Dreamwaker to be my PVP RL, I knew the non-negotiable's were tripod and grenades and horseshoes. Once I got those I was going to take whatever else. I ended up getting warhead veneers too, just a nice bonus. And I only had to use like 50 parts and I have like 95% best PVP RL in the game (a radegasts fury rolled perfect would be like 2% better, for like 100X more effort for me).

BTW I just realized the game tells you what weapon the enemy kills you with in PVP. I literally had not noticed that before. How dumb of me. Helpful cause I am really interested in what other people are using.

I tried using the last word again, hate it! I swear my k/d went down. I had some of my worst games in recent memory like ~.3 k/d's (although some might be attributable to going out of my clash comfort zone into other playlists a bit). I dunno, I guess I'll keep forcing myself to use it a bit in hopes it clicks but it's really just not clicking for me. I like something I can aim down! That simple.

Since I've decided I'm only going to grab one of the weekly Variks POE armor going forward instead of 3x, that means I only need to do POE 32 1X per week (really not even that if I reasonably assume I'll beat skolas at least 1X per week and get my armor core there). Add to that with 8 etheric light sitting there and no super pressing ascensions needed, I dont feel pressed to do the 34's either. So I'm kinda free to do crucible and dabble in POE 35's and finish up ghost hunting and stuff like that (along with of course 3X NF and 3X weekly heroic as always). It's kind of nice not feeling like there's a ton of "chores" to do. But on the other hand I'm interested in if HoW has endurance issues.
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