i mean with my post to say "it is risky to buy redbull right now because the high probability the code has been used"
Heh, I took 30 seconds using the instructions and redeemed a code.
The quest is probably short and no big deal (not available until September 15). Guessing kind of like that little bounty mission. The 50% bonus XP, I'm not sure. Honestly probably not worth screwing with but we'll see. Since I have a laptop right on my coffee table while playing destiny might be easy enough to keep doing over and over, but to be 100% honest just getting more XP is not that big of a deal.
Finally got my first elemental primary on 8th skolas clear. turned out to be the Arc AR. Since i already have fatebringer plus two preadyth's timepieces, it's not that great, but it's something I guess.
It's funny how on skolas how key it is finding a good group. I can usually tell after like a level if we'll be successful or not. The ones who are clearly dumb teens or aren't serious, or one of them has an anger problem, etc, I just leave early pretty much. No sense wasting time when you know they wont beat skolas anyway. OTOH some groups you can insta-tell it will be no problem 5 minutes in.
I had a group yesterday where no kidding one of the idiots was like "I'm not taking the poison again, I just died with it, I'm not taking it again". And he basically did not even call out the poison timer at all. I guess this was his first time or something, but what an idiot. There's no sense wasting time with morons like that. Worse half of them dont have the sense to quit and leave the decent players the checkpoint.
Crucible updates nobody cares about...I am still improving a lot on k/d, lately even though I feel like I'm doing badly, the match will end and I'll be 8-7 or 10-9. Feel like I'm being too cautious a lot, so my kills are low but also deaths low :/. Ahh well not gonna worry about that.
I used to lose almost every clash game it felt like, this morning I must have won like 6 in a row till I quit. Crazy. No matter how the teams would switch around I'd always be on the winning side.
I saw a lot of low level players this morning, like level 5's or 7's, even 18's, those guys are like fresh meat even for me. They are like I was my first times in crucible...dazed and confused, and us experienced players (heh, not really me but yah) like pouncing sharks.
I wonder how much equipment advantage matters there...I guess our guns will be better, and we'll have better perk like my lucky raspberry arc bolt grenade. Still somewhat minor I suppose, but a bad primary could be a big deal.