I was thinking would it be possible to recreate the experiment with nothing shall we say weird
going on and I think it is.
Imagine I had a crt capable of firing 1 electron at a time and the voltage going to the
plates could be controlled by a computer.
The first thing you need to do is figure out the voltages for the Y axis. Imagine to get an
electron to hit the top of the screen you need to supply a voltage of -1000 millivolts to the Y
plates and +1000 millivolts to the bottom. Then you just generate random numbers (perhaps
millions per second) that fall between -1000 and +1000 and use them to decide the voltage that
goes to the Y plate.
The X plates are a little more complicated.
as before you figure out the voltages needed to make the electron hit the leftmost and
rightmost parts of the screen, also you figure out the voltages that would correspond to the
bright areas and the dark areas of the screen(through experiment). again lets say its -1000 and
+1000 millivolts for left and right of the screen.
Then you generate your random numbers but discard any that would make the electron hit an area
of the screen that's dark in the original experiment.
Finally not all bright bands have the same probability of being hit so first you find out the
probability of each band being hit in the original experiment.
Lets say you have 5 bright bands left to right 1 to 5.
If 1 has a chance of 10% of being hit, 2 = 20%, 3 = 40%, 4 = 20%, 5 = 10%
you would generate 100 random numbers select 10 that correspond to band 1, 20 to 2, 40 to 3, 20
to 4 and 10 to 5.
Then you would randomly choose one of those numbers and use that to decide the voltage to send
to the X plate. then you would get results identical to the original experiment (apart from my
experiment would produce an interference pattern with just 1 slit or if there was no barrier).
In other words waves in a rapidly changing field would make single particles over time produce
an interference pattern.
You may ask why hasn't anyone seen this field well let me give you an example,
remember the higgs particle at cern, the important thing there wasn't the particle but the higgsfield,
its never been observed or detected yet it fills all of space.
Neither for that matter has the higgs particle been detected, it decays into unique particles within a couple of billionths of a second
These particles have distinct amounts of energy, charges and velocities and its these that have been detected.
A bit like detecting pieces of a watch which proves watches exist, which in turn proves watchmakers exist.
I am really proud of my idea because a couple of months later I found out that it is a genuine
theory believed by some scientists.It's explained in the video below along with some other theories.
You should start watching at 32:50 if the copy url from current time doesn't work
For those who dont want to spend the time watching heres a quick summary of some of the theories.
The atom travels through both slits at the same time interferes with itself then joins back
together when it hits the screen. While an atom can split (called fission) and join together (fusion)
this isn't happening the processes releases radiation which could be detected.
We could create cheap nuclear powerstations by just firing atoms at slits

Also if you use a particle that isn't composite and cant be split you still get the same result.
The atom turns into an wave version of itself which travels through both slits interferes with itself before
turning into an atom again
The atom turns into a wave of probability which travels through both slits and (possibly interferes with
itself not sure) before turning into an atom again.
The 3 above are variations of whats known as the Copenhagen interpretation.
The path of the atom is dictated by summing up the result of all possible paths
The path integral interpretation.
The atom travels through one slit but in a parallel universe it travels through the other.
Infact there is a universe for every possible event that could happen therefore all possible events do happen.
The many worlds interpretation.
There is a wave possibly within a field which affects the motion of the particle (the theory I favour)
The guiding wave or pilot wave interpretation.