Halo 3 IQ discussion * - Stay civil and polite folks!

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Can anyone offer up some suggestions with whats going on with the warthhog's rear right texture, just above the wheel? It looks like the rendered texture is much higher resolution? Also the bump mapping seems to disappear from objects when its rendered. Any ideas?

Speaking about these, which were posted earlier:



To me it looks like its not only rendering the image in higher resolution but replacing low resolution textures as well. Sorry for the image size, I sometimes forget that not everyone is running 1920. Thanks for taking care of it moderators!
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[modhat]Who said what when is irrelevant. The topic of which forumites are trolls, or indeed any discussion about the members of the board rather than the topic, is off limits. Always. If you find yourself posting about a forum member instead of about what has been posted, stop.

As a mod, it's quite hard to distinguish trollish behaviour when it's in some ways subjective, especially when its possible for people to post seemingly okay material but with trollish intentions. For the sake of avoiding extra work, one has a tendency to let the minor quibbles slide, but then they just tend to escalate with the old playground favourite of telling tales - "You said this!" "Yeah, but you said that!" "Yeah, but you said nyah-nyah-nyah."

Is it not a damning indictment of humanity when people just can't get over the whinging and moaning? That people feel compelled to insult folk they take a disliking to, instead of following the principle of 'live and let live'? That few people are big enough and mature enough to take any insults on the chin and walk away without kicking up a fuss? So what if Little Susie called you a poo-head? Is that going to ruin your life? So what if people called you out as being a troll when all along you were right? Isn't it enough to have confidence in your own judgement? Would you really prefer to spend your time arguing about who said what when, when instead you could be playing some of these console games, or reading a book, or going out to a party, or doing any of a zillion other things?

IMO, the best debaters are those who know when to say nothing. Life's too short. Too short for all the bickering. Too short for me to spend time cleaning up after you all! I'm not sure how short my fuse is, nor what'll happen when it blows. Hopefully behaviour will pick up a bit without someone having to nag people to keep the personal side of things out of the forum.
Forza 2 has bilinear filtering too. I wonder if trilinear and aniso are particularly costly for the hardware. Of course, the majority of PC devs seem to ignore better-than-trilinear filtering too. Guild Wars just got a "best texture filtering" box the other day that adds AF tho! I found it unbelievable that the Oblivion devs just seemed to not even acknowledge the existence of AF in "their" game engine.
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It's a nice looking game, but not for a 2nd generation title.

Depending on your point of view, Halo3 can be considered as a first generation game. It's Bungie's first game on the X360, and they'll surely do better the next time.
Depending on your point of view, Halo3 can be considered as a first generation game. It's Bungie's first game on the X360, and they'll surely do better the next time.

Ya, but I mean relative to other titles coming out now, like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Halo really stands out poorly against this second wave of software.
Ya, but I mean relative to other titles coming out now, like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Halo really stands out poorly against this second wave of software.

Really I dont feel this way at all. Perhaps if we are doing a screen shot comparison then yes the other games would be visually more impressive, but given the scope of Halo in comparison to the others I feel that it is a more impressive game to a given extent.
Dot50cal, does it really look like this on your TV? I have seen it running on a few PC LCD monitors which seem to exaggerate the jaggies and aliasing because the 360 didn't have a matching output res for them (they need to add 1600x1050 to the dashboard), but nothing I have seen looked that bad. Your brightness seems to be up to high or something. On my 56" Samsung DLP from 8 feet away your hard pressed to find jaggies while playing and the texture resolution is outstanding, particularly in the detail textures. I'm more used to it looking like the offscreen shots in the TXB thread here: http://forum.teamxbox.com/showthread.php?t=504547&page=646
Anyone else get the feeling the Flood level was taken from Prey? ;)

Hmm... yeah, Johnson and Hood are the weirdest looking characters - a bit cartoon-y and all a little looney!!

Some of the marines are actually digi-copies of some of the devs, so they aren't as strange. They really didn't have a high poly-budget for their heads. In the final cutscene, they go right behind a person's head initially and the model looks like it could have been from Halo: CE. :| In-game... sure... I have no problem with that really... In a cut-scene? :???:


I thought the eye-work was really good though.
Humans look really weird with the normal mapping they applied, especially the guy in the second shot.

Hmm... yeah, Johnson and Hood are the weirdest looking characters - a bit cartoon-y and all a little looney!!

I found the humans to look shockingly bad, especially in the cutscenes. I thought Half jaw, Arbiter and Chief looked very nice, and then it cuts to Hood, Miranda or Johnson... ick.
However, there's quite a lot of difference between viewing those captured images on your monitor from up close and on a large flat panel TV from a distance.
Maybe it would be clearer with the photos they so neatly deleted from those slides... :???: I have the game, but I wouldn't know what to keep an eye on that would require that much range. Going from inside to outside in one of the early levels with the warthog? The scarab explosion?

A little late, but the flare?
However, there's quite a lot of difference between viewing those captured images on your monitor from up close and on a large flat panel TV from a distance.

You are arguing semantics now. I sit close to my Bravia XBR3 which has both my console and my PC hooked up to it. It looks the same.

Heres an open dir with some new shots. They are lossless PNG, so be aware of that. SPOILERS AHEAD!

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