Halo 3 IQ discussion * - Stay civil and polite folks!

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:p. Okay, if you don't rate 1180x640 as HD, what do you call it?

H3D of course :). I´m still trying to find an answer to what really happend here, the HDR thread on Halo HDR (H3DR?) gives more questions than answers, it seems they choose expensive HDR solution to achive.. what exactly? And the HDR is the reason for the "H3D" res? And then there is all the gorgeous screen shots that turns out to be super sampled shots instead of "real" screenshots (i deleted my comment in the same thread for this reason).

In the end i don´t think all this matters, as long as the game delivers game play, which by all standards seems to be the case. But for an absolute AAA title with all the might of the best developers behind it and Microsoft as well i must say i am a little surprised.
How much 'HD' is used on PC displays? Is 640x480 HD? Is 1024x768 HD? What about 1200x1024? Or 1600x1200? Or 2560x1600? Resolution is variable and from a technical POV it's naive and ignorant to group it into broad and disparate terms.

PC display has its VESA standard. I think its something like this.

640x480 -> Good ol' VGA
1024x768 -> XGA
1600x1200 -> UXGA
2560x1600 -> WQXGA

You can sort of apply the same to HD, if you take 720 as HD.
ED is generally used to refer to 480p NTSC or 576p PAL, but anything that surpasses SD while still not qualifying as HD can be considered ED.
well the way i understand it, 480i was SDTV. and 480p is what was referred to as EDTV. because on CRTs it effectively doubled the resolution (made it EnhancedDTV)
H3D of course :). I´m still trying to find an answer to what really happend here, the HDR thread on Halo HDR (H3DR?) gives more questions than answers, it seems they choose expensive HDR solution to achive.. what exactly?
I think, as I understand it, it was something of a compromised solution. They're not using tiling for whatever reason (tiling hasn't really benefited XB360 as were hoping) and they felt the FP10 solution wasn't adequate to manage HDR in a single framebuffer. I'd like to see comparison shots of FP versus two-buffer HDR.
I think, as I understand it, it was something of a compromised solution. They're not using tiling for whatever reason (tiling hasn't really benefited XB360 as were hoping) and they felt the FP10 solution wasn't adequate to manage HDR in a single framebuffer. I'd like to see comparison shots of FP versus two-buffer HDR.

I just have this "there have to be more to this" feeling about all this. Maybe something went wrong during the development or maybe the deadline forced them to do something "fast". If the guys in the know here (like you) would have said "ahh that is why.. smart move" then i could understand but they seem just as bewildered as me :)
I just have this "there have to be more to this" feeling about all this. Maybe something went wrong during the development or maybe the deadline forced them to do something "fast". If the guys in the know here (like you) would have said "ahh that is why.. smart move" then i could understand but they seem just as bewildered as me :)

The Gamefest 2007 presentations might elaborate...if they ever get around to releasing them for download.

In particular:
Xbox 360 GPU Utilization: Past, Present, and Future
Speaker: Michael Dougherty

How is the Xbox 360 GPU utilized by top-selling games? We show detailed GPU utilization patterns from our top titles. Game designers and programmers can use this information to set scene complexity expectations from real-world–derived statistics. We also discuss where there is room for growth in the future and how to optimize for resource utilization at the macro level.
From the Trenches: Xbox 360 Development War Stories
Speaker: Kutta Srinivasan

This talk covers a number of different topics in CPU/GPU optimization based on experiences drawn from Crackdown, Gears of War, and Halo 3. One major topic is antialiasing (with and without predicated tiling) and its impact on performance, visual quality, and latency. Reducing render CPU usage is another major pain point for developers, but the most effective solutions—pre-compiled command buffers and caching systems—are not trivial undertakings. This talk explores issues encountered when implementing such a system. A number of other topics are also discussed, including particle system optimization and post-process optimization.
Advanced Xbox 360 Graphics Techniques Using Command Buffers and Predicated Tiling
Speaker: Matt Lee

[font=&quot] Two holidays after the launch of Xbox 360, title developers are still squeezing graphics performance out of the Xbox 360 CPU and GPU using the powerful and often daunting predicated tiling and command buffer Direct3D APIs. In this talk, we examine the inner workings of commonly misunderstood APIs so you can make best use of their functionality. Come see tricks from real game titles, such as how advanced state inheritance can allow render target flexibility with command buffers.[/font]
3DD, as in 3-double-D. Ha ha. I'm sure the marketroids could run with that and win!

Are there any games that tile, btw? Almost 2 years in and still little, if any, tiling. Obviously something is not so pretty there.

EDIT: 2 years! OOOPPS!
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swaaye said:
Are there any games that tile, btw? Almost 3 years in and still little, if any, tiling. Obviously something is not so pretty there.

There are quite a few games that title--even 3rd party. I believe the NBA Street game is like 1080p with MSAA. Kind of surprised you asked if there are any games that title tbh.
Okay, if you don't rate 1180x640 as HD, what do you call it?
i answered that in a post that got deleted (donno i thought it was a bit funny)
halo3 SD evolved
i agree with you about using actual resolution numbers when describing things (eg 720p + 1080p both get thrown under the HD moniker, yet one has twice the num of pixels of the other), same with vars in c ... char,short,int,long etc (which can have different sizes depending on the platform) much better to go int8,int16,int32,int64 theres no confusion
Kind of surprised you asked if there are any games that title tbh.

Well I haven't been paying a lot of attention to 360 and the tiling trait.... The lack of AA in most games had me thinking that tiling was rather rare. Do games that tile usually have AA?

Does DIRT tile? It seems to have 4X MSAA, and tiling is a requirement for that is it not? I think DIRT is one of the best looking games on the hardware and is arguably visually better than Forza2 if only because of the AA. Too bad about the frame rate getting down there at times, tho.
Are there any games that tile, btw? Almost 3 years in and still little, if any, tiling. Obviously something is not so pretty there.

Does "3 years in" mean that the third year is just beginning or are you confused about the launch date as it launched in November 2005.

On the tiling part... I think the 10MB edram configuration and their plans of using tiling is one of the biggest design flaws ever in the console realm, not nearly as big as the cartridges in N64, but pretty significant f*** up anyways. I raised some concerns early on that what sense did it make to build it like that when the usage of predicated tiling is so low, at that time I thought tiling is basically going to be used by the first and third parties in a games that are exclusive to the platform... I figured it was too much of a hassle for multiplatform devs to bother. Then many exclusives started popping up or announced using UE3, which I have understood is a no no for tiling, and yet to this day the UE titles look better than the other games...

I don't blame the devs for this, I think the design is flawed. Thankfully it doesn't ruin everything and the games are still pretty and enjoyable, but the one thing it was supposed to do was to give a basically free AA at 720p and here we are playing the biggest first party game at 640p and no AA... To me that's not a problem on the screen, I love the game, but looking at this whole situation as a design decision, it's safe to say that things went to hell with this system.
I havent really read all the comments, but I thought Halo was a good game, the graphics were really only part for me left to desire, I foudn alot of the textures flat and this whole 640p doesnt have me in a rutt, i thought the game was running at 1080p natively and not upscaled. It looked not soo good on my 56" 1080p tv. Though it was still a 360 game and def not an older game, I liked some of the Bloom effects, but the lack of AA and bi-linear filtering left more to desire, I thought Bioshock and of (sorry to say it again) GoW looked quite abit better, in fact i thought Oblivion looked much better.

This being said im not trying to rant or troll or whatever, i had fun with the game, it was way better than halo 2, and im sure illl be playing online alot.

One thing taht really pissed me off, was playing splitscreen with two people forces the game to run in 4:3 mode. Why i have no clue at all. The game was still running in 16X9 but it would force the windows to run in 4:3
wow i hope that definition is not going in the b3d glossary :) (might wanna stick in a definition for 'actual ingame screenshots' while youre at it )
so 640p is HD?, ie come on seriously ppl, you cant keep shifting the goalposts
heres a couple of wiki page for HD
you might wanna correct the entries there

720p, 1080i and 1080p are standard formats. There is nothing to say that anything lower, inbetween or higher should not be considered HD, other than "resolutions above SDTV or EDTV". There is a mention of 1 million pixels, but technically 720p is not 1 million pixels (missing by only 80K). Furthermore, there is no reference for the 1 million figure.

Since there is no official standing on what constitues real "HD" by range instead of by standard format, its up to our own personal opinions on whats constitutes HD above EDTV resolution.
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I don't blame the devs for this, I think the design is flawed. Thankfully it doesn't ruin everything and the games are still pretty and enjoyable, but the one thing it was supposed to do was to give a basically free AA at 720p and here we are playing the biggest first party game at 640p and no AA... To me that's not a problem on the screen, I love the game, but looking at this whole situation as a design decision, it's safe to say that things went to hell with this system.
This I can agree with. It seems reasonable to assume MS's goal was basically "free AA", and the fact that we aren't getting it that frequently seems to point to a misjudgement on MS/ATI's part. That is the unfortunate part . . . not what Halo 3 *doesn't* do.
Why was my post deleted? want me to start up a "Halo 3 reviews" thread? Better yet, just point me to an existing Halo3 reviews thread and I'll post it there since it's a conclusion to an earlier review.
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Why was my post deleted? want me to start up a "Halo 3 reviews" thread? Better yet, just point me to an existing Halo3 reviews thread and I'll post it there since it's a conclusion to an earlier review.

Short: it's off-topic. Long: Posting an gameplay review (incl. gameplay excerpts) in a IQ thread is off topic.

I am sure you can find a more fitting thread for that ;)

If you want the matchmaking aspects there's a thread for that. If you want to discuss gameplay there's a thread for that. If you want to discuss the quality of reviews, well, there's no thread for that but that's pretty much going to get locked, anyway (the usual is overrated - it's underrated - the review has been bought ensues).
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