Killzone public beta later this year (Yes, another Killzone thread)

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There's a cool new interview with Guerrilla's Test Lead where he said the following:

Erm… hmmm… let me see. Well it has Online. I can’t say anything about it though. There will be a Public Beta, but not till later in the year. It will be a FPS, but I guess you figured that out by now… Phew. There really is absolutely nothing I can actually talk about. Oh well. See you at E3!

Did we know about this? I think it's major news that I'll get to play Killzone this year (must get into beta, must get into beta), if you people knew about it, you should have told me :devilish: . Anyway here's the link to the interview, it's a pretty interesting read.

Edit: Now that I think about it, maybe I should have posted this in Console Games, sorry. Mods please move (before the required lock)?
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There's a cool new interview with Guerrilla's Test Lead where he said the following:

Did we know about this? I think it's major news that I'll get to play Killzone this year (must get into beta, must get into beta), if you people knew about it, you should have told me :devilish: . Anyway here's the link to the interview, it's a pretty interesting read.

Edit: Now that I think about it, maybe I should have posted this in Console Games, sorry. Mods please move (before the required lock)?
Great find, crazygambit, thanks. Pretty enjoyable interview (even though there wasn't much content), and the last part was hilarious.

Thanks a lot for your time and we look forward to the future of Killzone.

Any time. Quote me out of context and I will hunt you down like a dog.

We knew about this about 1 month ago. Read the KZ2 forums, there is thread about it.
This will be quite interesting to see.

Sounds like E3 will have a showing ... {and the gloves come off} :cool:


I hate to rain on the parade, but why would anyone get excited over a sequel to Killzone? The first game sucked and was in all conceivable ways a flop considering the hype it got. I find the idea of hyping Killzone as justified as hyping a sequel to Brute Force, both of which are games that had a lot of hype but failed to live up to it and are equally undeserving of sequels.

^ KZ1 didnt suck. It was little weirld and unpolished... It was a good seller [2mil.?], and it has "70" at metactritics.

/rant response
^ KZ1 didnt suck. It was little weirld and unpolished... It was a good seller [2mil.?], and it has "70" at metactritics.

/rant response

Considering an average game gets scored between 75-78, it was definately below par.

And no, it wasn't a good seller.

As far as i can see, didn't even reach 1 million.

I hate to rain on the parade, but why would anyone get excited over a sequel to Killzone? The first game sucked and was in all conceivable ways a flop considering the hype it got. I find the idea of hyping Killzone as justified as hyping a sequel to Brute Force, both of which are games that had a lot of hype but failed to live up to it and are equally undeserving of sequels.


Having played Killzone (unlike some detractors), it had great ambiance and grit, but the PS2 just can't do a FPS with good graphics. It also wasn't finished, it started well and puttered out in the middle. It had a great war torn future city feel that I think games like Gear of War have borrowed from. It also had a great reloading animation along with jumping over short walls. The game was simply too ambitious for such a low end console.

If KZ2 can keep with the look, feel and combat, there is zero reason it can't be great shooter, sequel or not. The open question is the developers, they don't have a track record like Bungie or Epic.
If KZ2 can keep with the look, feel and combat, there is zero reason it can't be great shooter, sequel or not. The open question is the developers, they don't have a track record like Bungie or Epic.


Personally I think it will be a great game. The team already has experience in kz1, like you said though, they just wanted to push more than what the system was capable of.

I imagine the dev team is getting all the support they need from Sony to make a stellar game and I can't wait to see what they come up with.

I hate to rain on the parade, but why would anyone get excited over a sequel to Killzone? The first game sucked and was in all conceivable ways a flop considering the hype it got. I find the idea of hyping Killzone as justified as hyping a sequel to Brute Force, both of which are games that had a lot of hype but failed to live up to it and are equally undeserving of sequels.


I'm excited about the chance to play the beta this year. I'm having a blast with Warhawk (while it's not crashing) and I'm really liking this public beta stuff, I certainly never got remotely close to playing a game for free on the PS2. From the sound of things I thought this game was a looooong ways off and that I could be playing it this year seems awesome to me (even though apparently it was known by anyone, but me. :devilish: ). After that we can decide if it's worth the hype or not.
I like this quote:

E3 is very near and the gaming world is anticipating news of Killzone PS3. What’s the vibe like at GG as you all prepare? Stressed, excited?

Bit of everything. Excitement with an underlying: “OH MY GOD WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!â€￾ I am sure there are a hundred developers around the globe feeling the same way right now though. Everyone wants their game to play look and sound perfectly when the public first get to see it. If you are working on an AAA Next Gen beast of a game or something for mobile phones you want to make a good impression on people. And if you have the baggage that we have we have to give it that extra little bit. Hopefully it will all go brilliantly and we’ll shut up even some of the most ardent critics.
E3 is very near and the gaming world is anticipating news of Killzone PS3. What’s the vibe like at GG as you all prepare? Stressed, excited?

Bit of everything. Excitement with an underlying: “OH MY GOD WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!” I am sure there are a hundred developers around the globe feeling the same way right now though. Everyone wants their game to play look and sound perfectly when the public first get to see it. If you are working on an AAA Next Gen beast of a game or something for mobile phones you want to make a good impression on people. And if you have the baggage that we have we have to give it that extra little bit. Hopefully it will all go brilliantly and we’ll shut up even some of the most ardent critics.

^ this is most important part ;)

I hate to rain on the parade, but why would anyone get excited over a sequel to Killzone? The first game sucked and was in all conceivable ways a flop considering the hype it got. I find the idea of hyping Killzone as justified as hyping a sequel to Brute Force, both of which are games that had a lot of hype but failed to live up to it and are equally undeserving of sequels.


Killzone although got ugly reviews due to lots of unpolished work, glitches and bugs it showed a great deal of talent and visual work.

The developers quite obviously had the talent to create a superb FPS but tried to force too much from the technical side on the PS2 which made the title pretty inconsistent and flawed. After the expectations the E3 2005 trailer created and the fact that they are aiming too high gives every reason to people to wait for it, and talk about it even if this is just out of curiosity to see how close the game will be to what was promised and showed
Some of the good things about Killzone

Killzone did have some technical problems (which the developers claimed were solvable with a few more months of work), but beyond that I suspect that the game introduced a true innovation to the FPS genre. Typically, the camera does not move from the FPS perspective, but in Killzone, the camera moves when drawing weapons (camera movement is different for each weapon, with none for the pistol), throwing grenades, reloading, and even shakes uncontrollably when too near a blast. I found that this significantly enhanced the immersion of the experience, and I hope that more games will start doing this.

This Youtube video shows a little of what I'm talking about:

I do not know how many other FPS's have sprinting, but in Killzone, sprinting is important when moving between cover. You cannot fire while sprinting, you can only sprint for short periods, and when done sprinting there is a delay before you are able to shoot again. This adds depth to the gameplay, and makes for a more intense play experience.

Different weapons also obscure your view to varying degrees, so it can be a disadvantage to run around with the multiple rocket launcher when you can't see what is to your right side.

The weapons themselves are well balanced each requiring different tactics- some are only good for short range, while others only work for medium range. The ISA assault rifle is very good medium-range weapon because of the grenade launcher, while the Helghast rifle is excellent at short-range because of the shotgun shell it can fire. One of the game designers is supposedly really into weapons- flying all the way to Vegas to shoot guns. I too shoot weapons (I hunt), so I appreciate the extra care that has gone into creating depth in the weapon experience.

Killzone's art design is some of the best that I've ever seen in a game. Many of the locations appear to be functional- a space port, apartment dwellings, research facility, etc. The concrete textures show incredible attention to detail.

If you get a chance to play the game, be sure to play around with the Battlefield mode, and try out some challenging scenarios where you are outnumbered, or have a very limited amount of time to accomplish something.

Guerilla Games has shown that they are very talented, and I wait in anticipation of their next opus.

I hate to rain on the parade, but why would anyone get excited over a sequel to Killzone? The first game sucked and was in all conceivable ways a flop considering the hype it got. I find the idea of hyping Killzone as justified as hyping a sequel to Brute Force, both of which are games that had a lot of hype but failed to live up to it and are equally undeserving of sequels.


Mostly because of one certain e3 demo showcasing what we all WISH next gen looked like..

And the subsequent hints/beliefs, despite any real evidence, of spectacular, never-yet-to-be-seen on thse machines, graphics lying in KZ2.

If the PS3 could have played the E3 demo, I would have paid $700 for one, LOL. That gave me a sense of graphic tingle I haven't experienced since the first time I saw the Neo-Geo in arcades as a kid...
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